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When Namjoon moved back to Korea he never expected to see any of his friends again, he had thought that since he had moved to Tokyo. Namjoon is wrong a lot of the time, he was beginning to learn. His judgment and decision making skills were lacking. This was made apparent when on a warm April night, the eleventh, a black truck pulled up to the gas pump he had been assigned to for the night. He did what he usually would, fill up the car obviously, and give the usual "Did you need anything else, sir?"

He was expecting anything other then an I'm fine, no thanks. He most of all wasn't expecting to hear his name or make eye contact with someone who seemed an ungodly amount of familiar. It was Seokjin, it was familiar because it was Seokjin.

They had undeniably been the closest out of all of they boys back then, people always referred to them as mom and dad, it didn't help that they shared the same last name, even if practically half the Korean population did as well. God was it good to see him.

Seokjin sent Namjoon a kind smile.
"It's been a while hasn't it Joon?"

God and that nickname, it had been ages since anyone had referred to him even as Namjoon instead of Mr. Kim let alone Joon. He had missed it.

Namjoon sent him equally as kind of a smile "it has."

After that night they kept in touch, having exchanged phone numbers. They met up many times, doing everything from having breakfast at a small cafe to hiking up to Namsan Seoul Tower.

They also started discussing everything that had happened to themselves after they graduated. Seokjin wasn't sure what happened to the other five boys but he had also been abroad, but he went for college. Meaning he was more successful than Namjoon could ever wish to be.

Every time they met up they did more laughing then talking like they never lost touch in the first place. It was lovely, Namjoon wasn't alone anymore. He no longer had anything to feel sorrow for.

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