Chapter 1

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"So, are you down for tonight?"

I looked at Emma after hearing her ask that question to me. She was stacking some books to a shelf and I was helping her out.

There wasn't that much customers today at Greg's Bookstore, so we were left with inventory duties. Actually, she was assigned the stacking while I should be back behind the cashier counter. But, like I said the place was empty. It has been like this since this morning.

"I don't know," I shrugged while bending down to pick up three books from a large box and hand it over to Emma.

Emma was the typical punk-rock girl who loves to do experiments with her hair. I remember last time, she tried a pink mohawk and she got a whole lot of scolding from Greg-- he's our boss. According to him, her look wasn't appropriate for a college girl such as herself.

So she wore a wig for the next few days until her hair grew back to long wavey strands that it was. She still dyes it every other week. Today, she's feeling purple.

"You don't know?" She raised an eyebrow, turning her back to the shelf in order to face me. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"I mean I'm still thinking about it," I replied nonchalantly, handing her another book that says Shakespeare Excerpts on the cover. She only flickered her eyes at it but then returned eyeing me with a disdainful look.

"It's girls night out Brie," she spat, placing her hand on her hip.

Ah yes. The traditional girls night out. Ever since we've reached college, me and my highschool friends, who happened to go to the same university, fixes this one day within a month to relax and unwind from the stress given by college.

It's not that I don't want to go, I just don't like the places they choose sometimes. Especially for tonight.

"You know nightclubs aren't my thing Emma," I blunted, pushing the books to the spaces on the shelf myself since I noticed Emma wasn't going to get back to the task anytime soon.

Emma gasped in disbelief. "What are you a hippie?"

I chuckled but she clearly wasn't amused.

Hey. I'm not a hippie. I'm just not an alcohol enthusiast, unless provoked to. Peer pressure is my weakness.

Emma, on the other hand, can probably chugalug her way out of anything. Just give her a glass of beer won't be enough though. A truck of beer would.

Out of our gang of friends, me and Emma were the closest which is why we ended up working the same part time job in the same establishment after school. How and why we became the best of friends still remains a mystery for me up to this day.

Nevertheless, I love her and she loves me... Not in an intimate way of course.

"Fine," I sighed lazily. "I'll go," I said reluctantly just so she'd stop giving me her famous puppy eyes that, mind you, always work.

She let out a happy squeal while skipping with ecstasy. "Yippie!" She hugged me and I was caught off guard that I almost lost my footing. Good thing I was able to keep my posture before we collapse to the floor.

"But I'm not drinking," I added.

She shrugged, rolled her eyes, but nodded. "Yeah. Whatever you say. Mandy said we'll only be getting ladies drinks."

I stared at her dubiously but decided to just let it slide and get back to stacking the books left from the box towards the shelves. Thankfully Emma got back to it too.

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