PS If This Is Chevelle, I Still Love You

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PS If This Is Chelsea, I Still Love You


                I was so close to crying, something that I was taught to never do in front of the enemy. If you cry in front of the enemy, they know that they’ve won. You must stay strong. I guess im lucky that Andrew came when he didas well, since he got me out of there.

                He led me quickly into the hallway with his arm draped over my shoulders, and because I was scared, worried, whatever, I crossed my my arm to have my hand in hisas his eyes asked which door was mine. I nodded to said door and once inside I heard screaming and yelling and crashes on the other side of my wall, Jonny’s wall.

                Drew glanced in that direction and then sat me down on my couch, and grabbing my brother’s old tattered hockey jersey off the other end of the couch for me to hold on to before he knelt down in front of me to be at eye level with me. His right hand cupped the side of my face and his eyes showed a growing concern.

                “Are you okay?” he whispered, his chestnut colored eyes searching ny blochy face.

                All I could do was nod and then I was asked if Jon or Corey had hurt me and I shook my head no as Andrew’s normally bright playful eyes grew serious.

                I heard the door latch quietly and then the sound of footsteps, two sets. One belonged to Maisey, who Andrew turned and gave a pleading look to. The other steps belonged to the back up goalie, Antti Raanta, whose blue eyes shone sadly, unable to believe that his counter part wwas doing what he was no doubt.

                Andrew made a quick, almost pleading glance to the both of them, and his eyes began to look glossy as he turned back to me. I didn’t miss the way Maisey’s eyes dropped, or the small near unnoticeable nod she offered to Drew.

                I felt the couch sink on either side of me and two hands on my back, one small and the other big and strong.

                “Cheve?” Andrew asked, to get my attention.

                “Chevelle, I-I think that maybe,” he stuttured on his words, an unusual phenomenon for him.  He let his thumb rub my cheek as he continued, “you should go home for a while… maybe James can help you.”

I felt the strong hand move to the small of my back and pull me towards the source, which I allowed. I found myself crying on Antti’s chest as he comforted me and Drew dropped his one hand from my face, moving it to my knee.

                “Shh.. Chels, its okay” Antti said in his thick Finnish accent.

                “But I love Chicago and if I go home I might not come back!” I sobbed, getting even more worked up.

                “Chelsea, James might know how to help you. He wont hurt you. He wouldn’t dream of hurting you, as if he did, he would be putting his career on the line. They aren’t exactly very friendly of men who beat women in the NHL, at least that’s what ive heard.” Maisey said, looking at Shawzy who nodded.

                I just… I loved them all like they were my brothers and James didn’t understand that. He would end up telling me how terrible they were. Because hanging out with a bunch of hockey players is a problem. Note the sarcasm.

                I took the words of my best friend into consideration, but not for long. I just wanted to lay on the Finnish back up.

                Andrew, who must have thought I was okay, got up after reassuring me that everything would be alright. I saw him go and get Maisey so they could leave.

                I sighed and glanced up at Raanta’s face,  noticing some stubble already growing in for playoffs.

                “Raants?” I asked quietly, my head now down.


                “Could you stay for a little while?” I asked, my fingers  tracing the bold BLACKHAWKS HOCKEY lettering on his chest.


                “Corey wont be mad, I promise. I just need someone to be here for me right now Antti,” I explained, cutting off the finnish goalkeeper.

                “What about Maisey?”

                “I don’t wanna hear about James.” I said, looking at the battered jersey that I had been toying with.

                “Whats wrong with James?”

                I sighed. I really didn’t want Raants to know about my brother, but alas it was inevitable. “he thinks hes all high and mighty when he puts on his jersey, and he despises the Blackhawks, naturally, so that’s why I left home, I was sick of it.

                I felt Antti put his hand on my head, petting me again, I assumed that he was thinking. I on the other hand, had hoped that I hadn’t given him too much information.

                Finally, Antti spoke. I expected this to come out of Sharps mouth, not the kindly goalie. “Youre a firecracker aren’t you? At least as far as hockey is concerned. Your right that I don’t know too much about this, but James probably wont be too happy about this.”

                “that’s what I was trying toi tell you.” I chuckled, not really wanting to get up.  “Antti! I know that Corey or Jonny wont be too fond of this but… can you stay with me a while_ maybe even you and Shawzy can come with me to my brthers?” I asked him, my tone turning serious.

                “I mean I would love to but I don’t know if Jon or Q would be alright with it. Maybe since I haven’t gotten any starts in ny of the past ten games.” He replied sadly, probably cause Crow stole his show.  “But I do need to be there in case Crow gets injured. Sorry Chevelle.”

                “C-Call me Chelsea.” I said my blue green eyes meeting Anttis ice blue ones.

                Once I realized what I said, my hands flew up to cover my mouth. I haven’t let anyone new call me Chelsea in years. Only Jonny and Maisey I think.




                Strange that I let Antti use the name, and not Corey.


So part one! Finally updated haha :}

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