Chapter 0.4

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The next few days in the house were quiet, mum and Des decided they would take a honeymoon in a few months after dad's anniversary and my birthday, however, they had been spending the past few days since the wedding out for hours. Since breakfast, I had barely seen Harry. Des said he was catching up with friends while he was here.

I was seeing Nathan today, we hadn't seen each other in a few days since he had been seeing his family who was in town. Nathan had said at sometime during the day he wanted to go down to the local shopping mall and hand in resumes to a few stores, and I said I should do the same. Neither of us had jobs and now that we had graduated, getting a part-time job was necessary.

I got out of bed after spending too long tagging Heather in facebook memes and hopped into the shower, washing my hair and shaving my legs and armpits. I felt like looking clean and presentable today. I decided that I would wear a nice summer dress that had a V neck, showing off the perfect amount of cleavage and stopped just above my knees. It was more tight-fitting than the majority of my other dresses but I loved the pattern too much to not wear it. It was a sky blue and had white triangles covering it.

The doorbell rang at quarter to 12 and I let Nathan in, pulling him into my arms and kissing him. He was wearing a denim jacket, black shorts and his signature green hat that read 'vans'.

"Hey, baby," Nathan said after he pulled away from the kiss. He then placed another small one on my forehead. God, I had missed him. He smelled like cinnamon and mint and though it was a strange mix, it felt familiar. I found my mind wandering off to the thought of Harry, and wondering what he would smell like. I knew he smoked but he hid it well so I would guess there would be a hint of smoke in there.

Nathan snapped me out of my thoughts by asking me a question. I shook my head and said. "Sorry, what did you say?"

He gave me a warm smile. "Up in the clouds today?"

We drove to the mall and went to a few stores, both of us handing in resumes. I took mine to 5 stores including lush and forever 21 and Nathan took his to some hardware stores. We were strolling the mall, trying to decide what to get for lunch. I wanted to get a subway and Nathan agreed. I got my usual of a pizza melt and Nathan got a meatball sub.

"Hey, do you mind if we go into Kmart before we leave? I want to put my resume in there and look for some new jeans." Nathan asked. He took a bite from his sub.

"Yeah, that works well for me actually, I need to look for some things in there anyway," I replied. I had to look for some underpants. I hated shopping for them, it made me so uncomfortable, but I'd been putting it off for so long now it had to be done.

We walked into Kmart, hand in hand after we had finished our subs.

"I'll find you once I'm done," I said to Nathan, letting go of his hand.

"Are you sure?" He didn't like leaving me on my own. "I can just come and do your things with you and then vice versa."

I smiled at him, he was so caring and I loved it. "No I'll be okay, thank you though."

We walked in separate directions and I made a pit stop at the cosmetic aisle. I wanted to get new mascara and some setting powder for my face. After procrastinating for as long as I could, I went to the undergarment section.

I walked past the racks eyeing the red lace thongs in disgust. There is no way that could be comfortable. It wasn't like anyone was seeing my undies anyways so why would it matter which ones I wore? I pulled a 2 pack off the rack. It had one black and one white pair, both in the same cut. They were midi briefs which gave my bum the most coverage out of all the options. I figured if I grabbed another set I would be fine for a while.

"Angel?" A familiar British voice made me snap my head to the right.

Harry was standing there leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. He was wearing a gray beanie, which stood out against the rest of his black attire. Looking at him now, I could see just how prominent his arms were, they were folded over his chest, giving me an impeccable view of his muscles and tattoos. I realized that I had been standing there staring too long when he started walking towards me.

Harry came closer and closer until we were shoulder-width apart. "What're you doing here?" He asked me. I watched his eyes trail down to my hands and I remembered I was holding the knickers.

My cheeks started burning. "Just shopping. Why are you here in the ladies undergarment section?"

He let out a low chuckle. "Undergarments? How fucking old are you? You talk like a grandma."

I rolled my eyes, gaining confidence and also getting a bit ticked off. "What do you call them then?"

"Panties." He replied bluntly. I blushed again. "And those are not panties, those are fucking shorts."

Anger started to boil inside me. I was embarrassed, upset and angry. "Well, I like them."

Harry's smirk grew wider and he closed the gap between us even more. Being this close to him made me realize just how tall he was. He smelt good, better than I expected. There was a hint of smoke, but also a sweetness. "Look let me do you a favor, as your stepbrother, grab the red ones over there-" he pointed to a rack that was to my left, "-and then maybe, you'll get a boyfriend. Or any attention from a lad for that matter."

A shocked expression covered my face but I quickly regained myself. I felt my fist tighten with each word he spoke and I had just had enough of him. "Well Harry, I have a boyfriend. One that fucking loves me and doesn't need a lacey thong to do so! You have no right insulting me."

Harry only looked amused, like my outburst was what he wanted. He was playing with my head and I didn't like it. Nor did I like him. "And where is this boyfriend of yours?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed. "In Kmart, not that I have anything to prove to you." He chuckled, but took a step back from me, taking away his warmth. I wasn't sure why, but part of me longed for him to move closer to me.

"Alright love, you keep telling yourself that."

He walked away without another word leaving me flustered and utterly confused as to what had just happened. I checked my phone to see a missed call and a text from Nathan, asking where I was so I paid for my things and rushed out front to meet with Nathan.

"You alright? You look a bit confused?" He asked skeptically, looking me up and down.

I nodded. "Yeah sorry, was just trying to choose the right mascara."

He gave me a questioning glance but seemed to brush it off. I knew I couldn't tell him about my encounter with Harry, I didn't want to upset him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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