Chapter 10

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The next day we have to go in for another round of chemo. I shake slightly the entire way there. The only thing keeping me from having a full blown panic attack is Ian's strong and steady hand overlapping mine. We arrive and check in again. I have the same nurse as last time and she smiles warmly at me.

"Alright sweetie. We are gonna have to do the same thing as last time. You just look at him again and I'll try to make it quick." I nod and grab Ian's hand while stretching my other towards her. "Look at me baby. Just look at me. It'll be over soon."

She finishes and Ian wipes away my tears. She walks out and Ian smiles. "Well we got 2 down. We can do this. That one was bad but the others won't be." I smile and scoot over. He hops on the chair and we sit entangled in each others arms.

The nurse comes one and a half hours later. "I think you two are the sweetest couple ever. He is just so sweet. You got yourself a keeper." I smile a sweet smile and he kisses me gently on the cheek. She checks everything and about an hour later we head out.

He drives home holding my hand tightly. "Hey Ian." He looks at me briefly then back towards the road. "Yes dear?" When he calls me dear I can't help but grin. But as soon as I think about the topic I am about to bring up, it fades. "I need you to help me when we get home." "With what?"

I take a deep breath and say, "I need help shaving my head." He gives me a pained look and says,"Are you sure? We can wait for a while if yo-" "No Ian. It has to be now. I can't wait much longer. If I do this luscious hair will look like crap." I flip my hand through my hair dramatically. He laughs and I cough.

He almost flips the car and pulls over. "Are you okay? Summer can you breath?" My coughing intensifies and I hold my chest. I croak out, "Drive." He speeds towards the hospital and grabs me out. He runs in and yells, "Help! She can't breath!"

They grab me and I am set on a stretcher. They start to rush me away. I freak out wishing for Ian to be near me. "Hold on baby girl. Just keep those lungs breathing." Okay. Keep breathing. I suck in all tje oxygen I can but I still end up blacking out.

Ian's POV


I sit in the waiting room, tears leaking from my eyes. I pace for at least 10 minutes. Minutes turn into hours and hours become what seems an eternity. I pull out my phone and see I have 8 missed calls.

I press the call button and wait. It picks up on the second ring. "Oh my God. Ian. Are you okay? Is Summer okay? Where are you? You guys have been gone for 6 hours." I pinch the bridge of my nose and say,"No. She isn't okay. We are at the hospital. She couldn't breathe and-" I am cut off by an almost inhuman noise escaping my mouth. I begin to cry. "She... she is in...she is in a room... and they won't give me an update on her. What do I do Adalyne?"

"Ian. You stay right there. Jason and I will be there in 10. It's okay. She will be fine."

I hang up and pace. After a while I go to the desk. "Ma'am. Can you please give me an update on Summer Jones?" She sighs and looks up. "Are you immediate family or do you have a marital commection?"

I have been over this and they won't let me go see her. "I am neither but please you have to let me see her." She just looks down again and  I walk away.

As I turn around the door opens. "Ian?" I speed over to Adalyne. "They won't let me see her. I have to be family or married to her." Jason looks at me then at Adalyne. She speaks up. "Well I am her sister and you are my husband so they have to let me in." She winks at me and we walk to the desk.

Jason stays and calls everyone. "Miss? I am Summer Jones' sister and this is my husband. He was trying to see her earlier but couldn't. Can we see her now?" She just gets up and leads us to her room.

"Excuse me doctor? What is wrong with my sister?" He turns from what he is doing. "While we were trying to get her breathing normally she blacked out. Right now she is in a medical coma. When she will wake up is unknown. It could be a few days, could be years. She could just die."

He walks out and I grab her hand. I begin to sob. "Oh baby. Oh no. No." I lay my head in her lap and sob. "Ian." I ignore Adalyne's voice and cry. "Ian. Listen to me. She is gonna wake up. You are not the only one who made a promise." I look over at her and see a tear stream down her face.


We wait for three weeks. Three weeks is all it takes to start losing hope. And for some of us, to start losing our minds. Without Summer, I have become something she would hate. I have become empty and depressed. Now three weeks can also build someone up. For Summer it was doing just that. While we were sitting here hurting, Summer was resting.

On October 19th, I was sitting near her bed when I heard something. I called in a nurse and she came in with a doctor. "Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" I don't know who says it but I hear,"She is waking up."

I wait in the hallway outside and after a while the doctor comes out. "Well. She woke up. And all she is asking for is you. She seems almost perfectly fine except a small tumor. If we can do a small procedure she could be cancer free. But it's risky. It either saves her or it kills her."

"Sir. I think it would be best to attempt it. But can I see her?" He nods and leads me to her room. I walk in slowly. "Oh Ian. I am so sorry."

I speedily walk over to her and grasp her. "Oh my gosh Summer. I thought you'd never wake up." We talk and I catch her up on life. After a bit they take her to the operating room. I pace outside and 5 hours later the doctor comes out. "She is fine and cancer clear. We will keep her for 4 days at most and then you can go."


Summer's POV


"Ian hurry up! I don't have forever!" We drive home and he helps me in. "Alright what do you want?" "I want a cheesburger and a milkshake." He makes me my food and we eat together. Finally we can be together and normal. This is the life I want to live forever.

I am so sorry. none of this was medically correct but I wanted somethin happy. so here you go. HAPPY TIMES

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