The first kill.

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Well this is a story about a girl named yn. She lived in the deep ghetto of L.A, now yall should know this that there is always that one person who runs the hood. Now yn had lots of chances and oppertunites to steal the chance but she couldn''t she was too scared.

Nope stop it right there. You fukin up my story Mr.Narrator now if you dont tell it right you know whats going to happen you said holding up your gun to the narrators temple.

Ok im sorry here is the real story:

Well hello this is a story about the queen that runs the streets of the deep ghetto in L.A. Yn been living in the hood since D1 you were born in that hood and raised there. You didnt just grow up by yourself you once had a best friend like I said once he promissed, and yn promissed that they will never leave eachother and to own the hood together soneday but he broke that promissed and ever since then you never trusted anyone but your squad Ty.Dee,Marry (but you and everyone calls her Bloody), Tracy,Bugatti (beez). They been there for you since your best friend left you and they never left you since. You have been owning these streets ever since you turned 13 you had people that tried to take over YOUR hood but you dont do that so you gave them a 5 seconds. I know you guys dont know what that is so let me tell you, hmmm? lets start from the fisrt time Y/n killed...


Come on yn you have to do it if you wanna be in the family footstep of the 5 seconds Yd said to you in a nice and sweet tone but looked serious.

I know dad ill be ready just now I just wanna pick out my favorite gun I always wanted to kill with. You said in a irritated tone.

Just hurry up Yd said while walking down the hallway.

You finally got your favorite gun out of the craite were Yd keeps all the guns in.

Ok yn you ready. Your dad said

Yeah im ready you said. getting on your all black nikes

You guys walked all the way down to the fisrt block your dad owns, before you and your dad reached the blocked he talked to you about something very serious.

yn theres a time when someone you love alot dies. Yd said in a very serious tone that you felt uncomfortable with.

What are you trying to say dad you said in a blank but confussed tone.

What im trying to say is yn is that if I were to die I dont want you to cry I just simply want you to take after the family 5 seconds it means alot to me, and I also want you to kill them.

Why would you ever say that. You said in a mad tone because you knew somethings going to happen you just dont know what it is.

I just want you to know this ok he semi shouted at you.

By the time you guys reached the last block your dad owned he told you to follow him so you did as told. He lead you all the way over to this old broken down house that said The blocks Trap, you and yd walked in as he told you to wait in the front. Before he left he gave you a kiss on the check and told you he loved you and looked deep in your eyes before leaving to a room upstaries. You just waited there for about 15 mins before you heard a loud noise. It didnt bother you till you heard a gun shot go off and right when you heard a thump hit the ground you ran over to the room yd went into. You first looked around the room and saw about 6 big buff guys surounding the room pointing guns down to the grown to a guy that looked familer.You pushed past all of the guys with no care but when you came closer to the body you knew who it was. It was your dad. You looked at your dad and was about to cry but remember what he said to you before you guys went to the house. The 6 buff guys in the room pointed there guns towards you thinking you would flinch but you didnt.

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