Revenge ni MissTer PigGay

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Revenging is not the answer for the person who got hurt by anyone or by someone that you treated like a true friends, you treated like your own sibling and by someone you LOVE.

Well, that's the're answer but.....


Since that day what they did to me!

what they done to me!

I told to myself that I will avenge!

I will never stop until I get even or until I got satisfied

They will regret for hurting me


And why they are born in this cruel world.

They will gonna taste my own version of being FOOLED

being HURT

being BROKED

being NOTHING and


and Lastly, I will make sure that they will take there own lives after tasting my vengeance!


After this whole 3 years, I am now ready to sail my ship, to fly my plane, to drive my bazooka.

How I wish that they are ready for my descent, cause if I am the one who did that?

I will make a plan for them, if when they will comeback for revenge.




Nag sisigurado lang teh!

kesa naman sugurin kang walang bala. Edi tegi ka?

pag lalamayan ka?

iiyakan ka? Charot!

That will never gonna be happen, over my drooling body.

yun nga kababalik ko lang dito sa Pinas kahapon!

but the F!!!!!!!

It's still so HOT!!!!!

but.....Im the hottest now. Hahaha

Nasa mall na ako sa lagay nito, pero parang walang pinagbago ang init!

palibhasa nag titipid na naman ang mall!


Sarap bigyan ng budget! char!

But how much more if hindi ganito ang sout ko!?

edi parang basang sisiw na ako ngayon!

Revenge ni MissTer PigGayWhere stories live. Discover now