Life As I Know It.

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I lathered my body in oil as I readied to get on stage. The lights on the platform dimmed as I made my way to the center,glancing down at my only clothing, a golden thong. 

As I reached the center I took my position, my back to the audience as the music started and the lights exploded with energy , the crowed also exploding in cheers as I started my nightly act.

After my act ended I stalked off stage and into the employee lounge, using my old, battered rag to wipe off the sweat and oil that were now combined with dirt and who knows what. After that I was a bit more fresh and ready for my first client of the night. 

I entered the first room to find mid forty year old man upon the bed, already naked. " I'm going to treat you to something you've never experienced" he said, what I think was meant to be sexy. This was going to be a looooong night.

Six hours past. Six strange men got entertained. Six more men where added to my list; my list of hundreds.

As I exited my sixth room of the night I was approached by our club owner or as some call him the 'pimp' of the club."Put these on" he grunted, the smell of smoke and cheap champagne radiating off him as he chucked me a pair of black skinny jeans , a pure white V-neck, black Vans and a gray beanie. I started at them. Shocked. He had given me a white, may I repeat, WHITE t-shirt, it was so clean. Never, and I mean, NEVER has he given me something so new and clean. " Well what are you waiting for?!?" he yelled, I quickly wiped my body down with my hands, trying to remove the fluids from my last customer. I then placed the black skinny jeans over my golden thong. My trademark. I then dressed in the remaining items, leaving the beanie for last, after shaking my brown curls out of my face, placing it carefully upon my head.

With that our 'pimp' ( I never found out his name) turned , walking down the gray, filth filled corridor. I stood my place, not having a fucking idea of what was happening and where he was going. " What the hell are you waiting for?! Get your useless fucking ass out that door and into my car" he snarled, but I hardly noticed. Into his car? Where would we be going? I hadn't left the club premises in, in, ok...well to tell you the truth, I didn't know if I ever had. My mum had been a stripper here, apparently she died from a disease when a condom broke with one of our ex-regulars. She had died six months later, leaving me in the hands of the club at age four. I started working in the bar and as soon as I was old enough to get an erection, BOOM, I'm a prostitute , a prostitute for dudes because no one was willing to touch them, but I never had a choice, it was sex or a bashing from the club guards.I'd take the sex any day.

Snapping out of my thoughts I rushed towards the back door, as I opened it I was met be pitch black, it must have been one o'clock? Yeah, something like that, anyway , I walked quickly to the dark car in the middle of the parking lot, our 'pimp' was already seated and ready to go.

Five minutes of the, to me, most intimidating five minutes of my life. I sat in the back, him staring me down thought the review mirror, eyeing me up and down,almost trying to find something out that I didn't have a clue of, even with these cloths I felt naked, like he was inspecting me to the core of my soul.

"Now you listen here, and you listen good" he snarled, fire in his eye's "This is a large paying costumer, they have rented you for a night, you will do what they want you to do and I will pick you up, tomorrow 10am" all I could think of is 'why me' ,he must have sensed this because he then answered my unasked question "Listen brat, your my best prostitute, you've got the looks ,the moves and all that other crap. Now get out" he said as he pulled up at an large apartment, from what I could see,it was two stories.

I stumbled out of car and up the front path as he took off down the road,tiers screaming. I knocked on the door, and soon enough it was thrown open by a, if you ask me, verrry attractive lad. "Um, Hi. I'm from The blitz, you booked me?" I said trying to make myself confer-dint. Didn't work.  

"Oh, yeah, come on in" he said opening the door a fraction more so I could slip in " Liam, by the way" he said, offering me his hand.

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