Chapter 5 what happened

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" Is that sheba died and felix is having a bad time getting over it and he has been really sad and doesn't talk or gets out of his room I tried to help felix but he is still the same he can't get over it and I was hoping that you guys can help me " gigi said 

Oswald POV 

When gigi said that I wanted to cry I don't want what happened to me happening to my kitten I don't want to see felix to look like how I did when ortensia died ( I don't know if I spelled her named right ) " how did she died " bendy said " she died because of an accident that happened 7 months ago " gigi said.

~ 7 months ago ~

Gigi POV 

We were waking back home after an amazing day of having fun it was a long way to get home and sheba was tired and wanted to take a short cut so we did but it was in a creepy alleyway but it was the fastest way to get home, but it looked even more creepier because it was night so we started waking into some random person came up us with a GUN!!!!!!  " g-give m-me y-your m-money o-or I-I'll k-kill y-you " the guy said he looks new to this kind of stuff because this isn't the first time someone has done this to me. " we don't want any trouble " felix said " t-then j-just g-give m-me y-your m-money " the guy said pointing his gun at sheba " don't shoot her " felix said with a scared look " we won't hurt you " I said " n-no y-you're l-lying " the guy said putting his finger on the trigger " please don't shoot me " sheba said crying I wanted to do something but I didn't know what to do at dis moment I was so scared about sheba. " give me your money now before I shoot her " the guy said and he looks more confident in what's he doing " please don't " I said trying to get closer to him.  " I said don't move!!!!!! " and after he said that there was a gun shot me and felix looked at sheba she was bleeding from her chest, then she fell to the ground felix went running to her. I looked at the guy but he was running away so I chased after him. He wasn't that fast so it was easy to catch up to him and when I was close enough I tackled him to the ground " WHY DO YOU DO THAT!!!!!!!!!! " I yelled at him " b-because I-I w-wanted t-to " the guy said I was so mad at him that I wanted to kill him but I didn't and instead I knocked him out. Then brought him back to where felix was with sheba and when I got there I saw the ambulance and the police were there felix was crying so much I have never seen him like that before, I was so sad I was going to talk to him but I need to get this guy to the police so I walked up to one of the police officers and told them what happened, he thanked me for telling him and took the guy then I went to felix to try to comfort felix " don't worry felix it's going to be ok please stop crying " I said to him " o-ok " felix said in a really sad voice. I told the people in the ambulance if me and felix a can be with sheba in the ambulance they said yes so me and felix got on and sat to sheba " is sheba going to be ok " I asked one of the doctors there " we don't know but we have to get her to the Hospital now " they said and the ambulance started going to the Hospital.

~at the Hospital~

When we got there they said that we had to be in the waiting room so me and felix went to the waiting room and sat down. " felix are you going to be ok " I said with a sad look " n-no " was all felix said before crying the hole time before the doctor came to tell us about sheba " is sheba going to be ok " I said with a sad look the doctor looked down and said.

" I'm sorry but she's not going to make it you two should say you're goodbyes "

When the doctor said that I cried so much and for felix he looked like he had seen a ghost and then began to cry " c-can you p-please take us t-to her " I said with a sad voice. The doctor said yes and walked us to sheba's room the doctor opened the door felix and I walked up to sheba's bed then the doctor left. Then sheba looked at us and sat up " h-hey g-guys " sheba said with a weak smile then me and felix hugged sheba then started crying again " d-don't b-be s-sad g-guys " sheba said trying to comfort us. " b-but w-where g-going t-to m-miss y-you s-so m-much" felix said crying " I-I'm s-so s-sorry i-it's a-all m-my f-fault "I said feeling guilty about it " i-it's n-not y-your f-fault g-gigi " sheba said trying to comfort me about it but I still feel bad about it. A few minutes past and we where talking about all the times we had together we had amazing times and we have some bad ones but we got through the bad ones together but now sheba will be gone forever and we need her because she helped us get over it and we will miss her so much. Then we heard a loud beep and we knew that sheba was gone and the last things she said was " I love you guys so much and please don't be so sad when I'm gone and gigi don't be afraid of what other people think of you and just be your self and felix tell Oswald you love him please for me " and then she was gone.

And that's it for now sorry for the long wait and I hope that I didn't make this chapter sad and if I did I'm sorry and I will try to make a another chapter soon and thanks for reading bye.

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