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Modern one Raven POV

I walked into school. I have had a crush on John Murphy for about 4 years now. He was hot as hell but mysterious. Just like now, when I walked into school with my best friend Clarke by my side.

We turned the corner to get to our lockers when Clarke stopped me. I looked up from my phone at her. "What?" I said confused. "It's Murphy, he is kissing someone."

"So what? I always see him kissing girls. It's nothing new." I said pushing past her to look. I stopped in my tracks and just stared at them. He wasn't kissing some girl, he was kissing a guy.

I walked away to the bathroom, 4 years, 4 years I have liked him. When ever I saw him kissing girls I thought that could be me soon. I have a chance. But now I don't.

Murphy's gay. The love off my life is gay.

1 month later

I walked into school and into science class. I sat down next to Murphy. I still wasn't over him. Through out Mr. Pikes boring class i felt someone hold my hand. I looked to my side to see Murphy smiling at me.

After class I pulled him to the side. "What was that?" I asked still confused. "What" he said with that sarcastic tone of his.  "You held my hand."

"So? Am I not allowed to hold a pretty girls hand. I like you. Is that a problem." He said

"But your... your gay aren't you." I said.

He chuckled. "No, I'm bi."

Then it hit me, he was bi. I felt so stupid.

"Im sorry. I shouldn't have just assumed." I said instantly feeling terrible.

"It's fine, now let me take you out." He said grabbing my hand and leading me out of the hell hole we call school.

Sorry this is rly bad😔😬!!!

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