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Raven POV       5th grade

I walked into school on the first day.  I had just moved from Ohio. I was so nervous. My dad moves around all the time for his job. He said this place would be permanent tho. I don't think so tho.

I was walking looking at my schedule trying to find Mr.Marcus's room. I bumped into someone and fell wto the ground. It was a boy with brown hair. He was cute. Maybe he could be my first friend.

"Watch where your going butt-head!" He yelled. Everyone started laughing at me. I got up and ran into the bathroom. There was a girl there, blond long hair. Blue eyes. She was pretty.

"Hey what's wrong?" She asked me. I told her what happened. "Oh that's Murphy. He is a jerk, only cause of his parents tho. I would stay away from him but trust me, he is a good person inside." Ever since then I never talked to him.

Junior year

I walked to school on the first day. I was surprised I lasted this long at one school. My dad found a job where he could stay here. I was walking to my first period when I saw him. John Murphy.

I hated him. But not as much as he hated me.  I don't care what his parents are like. Ever since 5th grade he has hated me and all I did was bump into him.

If it's not pushing me or calling me names it's talking abt me and making me feel like shit. It's non stop.

2nd week of Junior year

I was walking minding my own business when I suddenly got pulled into the janitors closet. Ugh. It's was Murphy.

"Hey babygirl." He said in a seducing tone. He was still holding onto me with his mouth up to my ear. "My names Raven." I said, then pushed him off of me.

This went on for a few weeks, him trying to get with me. I don't even know why. All of our time in school together he has hated me. The worst part was, every time he tried to get with me, all I could think about was things that would not turn me on. I hated to admit it, but John Murphy was hot. No matter how mean.

One day in school I decided to get him back. He was hanging out with his friends abt to go into math class abt to take a quiz. I pulled him into the same closet he always pulls me into and pushed him against the wall.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I ignored him and started kissing his neck, he tilted his neck giving me more access clearly getting turned on by this. I pushed my knee between his legs already feeling his bulge. He groaned.

Then, I stopped and walked out. He looked down at his situation. It was quite funny I have to say. I walked into math class only to find him walking in 5 minutes late all sweaty.

After math class he pulled me into the closet. Man I felt bad for the poor closet. He looked at me then said, "I'm sorry. All those years when I was mean to you, I'm sorry. My parents were always mean to each other so I was too." I stared at him blankly, then he said, "Before my mom left she said to me. "John, take this as the last thing you'll ever hear from me, love no one and no one can hurt you" Well that's not true, cuz Raven Rayes, I love you." I started tearing up.

"I love you too." I said. He grabbed my face and kissed me. This is not how I would have imagined it. He was gentle and his lips were soft.

After that we started dating and I couldn't be happier.

Hi guys!  Sorry this was rly bad😬 Anyways plz send in request

My next one shot is gonna be a bit Murphamy but mostly Murven and probably rly short

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