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"JUNGKOOK?" THE LEADER WHISPERED OUT as the younger one looked at them with shook eyes. "What are you guys doing here?" Jungkook asked the two rappers as they stared at him.

"We should be the ones asking what are you doing here?" Yoongi said as the younger blinked his big doe eyes.

"I......was here with Yoongi hy-" Jungkook paused as he felt like a wrong word slipped out of his mouth.

The other two stared at him weirdly as Jungkook tried to process the words in his mind. "But.......I'm right here...." Yoongi said himself as Namjoon seemed like he was processing the words in his mind.

"N-no I mean the other one." Jungkook said as both of the rappers looked at each other.

Not good.

"We just bought Hoseok here......" Namjoon whispered and looked at his Hyung.

Normally Yoongi would be the calmed and cool one among the whole group but this time he looked panicked, a rare sight for Namjoon and Jungkook.

Jungkook wasn't able to comprehend whatever was happening but one thing was sure that it wasn't going according to plan.

"Hyungs...... Can I get an explanation.....?" Jungkook asked them quietly but they chose to ignore him. Namjoon stared at his Hyung with desperate eyes as Yoongi took a breath to calm himself down.

It was a disaster.

If the other Hoseok wakes up to see that he himself was admitted then he'd be confused. Moreover, even if he didn't remember, the doctor was there.

"Let's just get out of here and we'll think later." Namjoon rapped out the words before taking both of the member's wrists in his grasp and dragging them outside.


Hoseok wandered off the streets alone as the sun was almost at its peak going down. The sky was filled with streaks of orange as he let his feet carry him wherever they liked.

It's been a while he was this free. Always being shielded by the bodyguards and fans chasing him. He smiled for the camera to keep his cheerful persona but sometimes he had to fake a smile too for the sake of his career.

But he hated the fact he had to smile forcefully. Though smiling was his religion almost, being forced to wasn't a part of him. And he felt sick for doing that.

Taking the fresh air he exhaled as he let himself wonder. He had a bright smile plastered on his face. A real smile.

Even though the members wanted to go to their own world, he didn't mind.

He felt free within this world. He felt like he would stay in this world forever. Because of this one thing. Freedom.

But it's true that he can't stay here forever. One day he had to go. It was a harsh truth he had to accept: nobody couldn't get everything they always wanted.

But he wanted to enjoy the moment of it. The times he's been staying here. He wanted to stay as long as he could and cherish every second of it.

But we can't say what the fates truly want us to do. Because it's cruel and harsh but also sweet as honey at the same time.

Because at that moment, Hoseok bumped with someone he wasn't expecting at all.


A/n: Hey guys!!!!!!

I'm in love with your supports! Like the reads are going up like crazy!

It feels like I've updated after a long time. But as always I'm going to leave a cliffhanger.

If you try to look at the theories of big hit maybe you can find out who Hoseok bumped to ;)

Have a nice day! And I'll try to update it in three days! Stay updated!


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