ghost hunting~brion

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Brandon's POV

The guys decided that they needed to do something because they was bored.  so one of the guys suggested a creepy mansion. All of the guys agreed expect for me. I mean I like the idea but I'm not finna fuck with no ghosts and get possessed or some shit. I didn't want to die that early. All the guys looked at me and I shook my head.

"Hell no, I'm not doing it but go have fun" I said

"Babe come on. Live a little" Zion whined

"So you want to go to a haunted mansion where a ghost might kill you or possess you" I asked

The guys nodded their heads eagerly

"You guys are a bunch of dumbasses" I mumbled

"We know! That's why we wanted to do this" Nick said

"Fine but god forbid that something happens" I said

We got ready and walked out. We drove to this 'haunted house'. We got out of the car and went to the door. Zion opened it and we all went inside. Edwin shut the door and we heard someone whispering. I was going to turn back around but Zion grabbed me and turned me back around.

"Brandon chill it's just whispering" Zion said

"YOU JUST WANT TO DIE" I yelled but Nick shushed me

"Brandon! That's disrespectful" Nick said

I looked at him stupid.

"The ghost! You used the word die which is disrespectful bee come on" Nick added

"You know what! This is such a stupid idea. I'm going home" I said

But the guys blocked my way.

"Guys let's leave! I want to go home so I can chill in the living room with my laptop" I said

"Brandon!" Nick yelled

"What" I asked annoyed

"You disrespect the ghost again" Nick said

"How!" I yelled

"You said living room" Nick said

I shook my head. Something flew at us. I pushed them out of the way and walked out of the house. I sat in the car and went on my phone. I don't want to die this early. It been a few minutes and they still haven't come out yet so I got out of the car and walked inside the house. I turned the flashlight on my phone and looked for them.

"Nick...Austin...Eddie....Zion" I said

I heard laughing upstairs. I braced myself and walked up there. I heard laughing on the down the hall. I walked down the hall and I was face to face with a door. I opened it and didn't see anything that's when someone jumped in front of me. I jumped back and I heard the guys laughing. They appeared in front of me.

"Babe, you should've seen your face" Zion said

I punched him in the chest.

"That's not funny! You guys are a bunch of assholes" I sighed

"A good looking bunch of assholes" Nick said

I shook my head at him.

"You guys ready to go" I asked

"Naw we haven't used the oujia board yet!" Zion said

"You guys bought an oujia board" I asked

They nodded.

"You know what...I'm not finna say nothing. Austin you were suppose to be the smart one of the group but I don't know what happen" I said

"Brandon Brandon Brandon Brandon" Nick said walking to me

He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Listen, we are here to have fun. Come join us" Nick said

"Y'all is summoning demons!" I yelled

"Brandon, we only live once" Nick said

"Okay, so this what we finna do...get y'all asses in the car and let's go to the dump and throw that demonizing toy in there then we are going to grab some holy water and go home" I said

The boys sighed and walked out of the room. We was walking down the stairs and Edwin stopped us.

"Hey guys is that someone at the door" Edwin asked

We looked at the door and saw someone standing there but then a flash go off. We turned our heads to Nick who had the flash on. The dude turned around and saw us. He had a knife in his hand. He smiled at us and started to run after us. We ran to the nearest room and locked it. We barricaded the doors and looked at Nick.

"What" He asked

"You dumbass! You didn't turn off the flash!" Austin yelled

"Well I'm sorry!" Nick yelled back

The person started to bang on the door. I walked toward the window and opened it. I climbed out the window and jumped down. The guys followed my footsteps and climbed out the window. They jumped down and we ran to the car. We got in and I tried to drive but the car won't crank up.

"Fuck me" I groaned

"When" Zion asked

I gave him a death glare and he shut up. The dude came out of the house and started to run towards the car. Everyone started to scream. I cranked up the car hard and it turned on. I started to put the car in drive then the dude hopped on the roof while I was driving. We was in the road and I can't moving side to side so he can fall off but nothing happened. I did a doughnut and he fell off. I zoomed away and went straight to the house. We made it home then we got out of the car and ran inside house. I grabbed the oujia board from Austin and grabbed the matches and gas. I walked to the backyard and went to the grill. I poured the glass on the grill and lit up a match. I toss the match in and the grill was on fire. I threw the board in and it started to burn down. The boys walked outside and looked at me.

"I hate you guys" I said

"We know" They said

After the board had burned down, I put out the fire and walked inside. We all walked inside and sat in the living room then something fell from off the wall. I got up and grabbed my keys. I walked to the door and turn towards them.

"Ummm I'll see y'all tomorrow. Try not get possessed okay" I said and walked out of the door

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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