End of Flashback

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I look into his eyes and smile as I am let go and the security picks me up. Bret tells them to keep me where I am and reaches down to help me up. I hop onto the stage and he walks to the mic. "This girl right here is the real mama's fallen angel." He chuckles as I put my tank top back on. "This is Luna, and she's been a friend of the band when she joined a house that a band lived in. We met her when she was helping them with back up, and her voice is one of an angel. So she's going to sing Fallen Angel with us." He smiles as CC starts up his guitar. I run over to the side and grab a mic from the tech guys and walk back to the center of the stage. Bret begins singing and I join him.

The song is short-lived and Bret walks up to me and begins to grind slowly. I giggle a bit before pushing his shoulder telling him to back off a bit. He smiles at me before hugging me. "Meet me backstage after the show." He whispers so only I can hear it. I nod and take the mic back. I split the pit like it is nothing to get back to Ash.

"What was that all about?" He asks when I get to him.

"He and I really hit it off when we met years ago," I say looking at him. "We have to meet him backstage before we leave." I look at him as we begin to start moshing again.

The concert shortly ended and I direct Ash to the backstage. We quickly find Bret and I seem to smile at him. "Ashley." He says smiling. "You brought Em here?" He asks looking at me.

"Yeah, we are dating and I tried to think of something to make her feel young again. It's been a while." He says hugging him.

"It has." He smiles at Ash. "Ash there is one thing about her that you need to know."

"Which is?" Ash asks looking at Bret. Bret looks over at me and then at Ash.

"She's going to be the best you ever have," he says looking into my eyes. Ash looks up in disbelief.

"How would you know?" Ash asks.

"I have my ways." He looks at him. "You guys heading back to the house?"

"No, Ben and Danny came over so we are staying at the hotel, like always." I look up at him. He nods before turning and looking at some of the girls that CC had with him.

"I guess this is goodbye." He says in the same voice he did years ago. It makes me think back. "See you later Luna," he says hugging me. He shakes Ash's hand before walking away.

"How does he know that you are one of the best?" Ash asks as he walks us out of the venue.

"Did you guys really think Bret would follow the rules?" I look at him as I get on the back of his motorcycle. He gets on and starts it. He drives us back to the hotel and sits there just staring at me.

"You mean when you came home all those years ago, with bruises on your wrists it was him?" He asks.

"Maybe," I say looking at him as he walks us into the hotel. "What 'rules' did he have in the first place?" I ask him.

"Andy set them up with all of them but made sure that Bret and CC knew them well. He told them not to touch you, take you out, kiss you, every single little thing you can think of, all they were allowed to do was talk to you. None of us expected for you to shed your skin when you were in the studio." He says looking at me as he takes us into the elevator. I just look at him and think about what Bret did to me... Did I really want it? The answer was yes... at the time.

The elevator doors come open. All you could hear on our floor was moaning and bed rest hitting the walls. "These boys and their lust," I say shaking my head.

"Once, that was you." He says looking at me. "But then you got hurt once and it just seemed you grew out of it. I guess that's what you would call it."

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