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The darkest hours were over, the night was gone and a new, liberated life was just about to begin. Lord Voldemort, who had dragged the magical world into abyss for so long, was no more and Harry Potter was the reason for this. He alone had given this world a new chance because he sacrificed everything he had.

While others paid with their very lives for this victory, Harry had survived, surprisingly with only a few minor injuries. Still, Poppy Pomfrey, Matron of the Hospital Wing, insisted on treating the young hero herself, much to Ginny Weasley's dismay.

Only few hours ago Ginny had believed her true love was lying dead on the floor, and now, after a whole year of waiting, she wanted nothing more than finally hold him in her arms. The hospital matron however, didn't want to hear anything about it though.

"Madame Pomfrey, I'm begging you, please, let me go to Harry, I've got to see him!" pleaded Ginny again.

The red haired young woman stood with her brother Ron, right at the entrance to the hospital wing, and they were trying their best to convince Madame Pomfrey. However the resolute woman didn't want to listen, she didn't let anyone in to see Harry Potter, it seemed the imposing doors of the Hospital wing would give in before she would.

"Of course I understand that you want to see Mr Potter," Pomfrey wouldn't budge, "but he needs time to recover."

"No, you obviously don't understand, you don't understand at all. I thought he was dead, my brother is dead. I only want to be sure he is okay." Ginny's voice became shriller by the second, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

Now that everything was over, past them, she didn't comprehend why she had still to fight against this obstacles? Everything should get better now. They had survived, both of them. Others had died, like her brother, but not them, their love had endured, carrying them through to the end.

"I've told you already," Pomfrey's cool voice cut through Ginny's reflection, "Only relatives are allowed to visit him."

"What? Harry doesn't even have relatives, at least none who'd like to visit him." Ginny fired back. "You really want to leave him alone after all he's been through? Do you want to deny him his friends and his GIRLFRIEND?" Her emphasis on the last word was not missed by any.

The unimpressed face of Madam Pomfrey told Ginny it was useless to argue with this elderly woman. Just as Ginny finally turned her back on the matron, she saw the only person left at Hogwarts who might actually be able to persuade the old healer walking down the corridor.

Hermione Granger slowly approached the two Weasleys, nodded curtly towards them yet before she could utter a single word Madame Pomfrey overruled her.

"You of course may see him, Miss Granger or should I-"

"Thank you, Madame Pomfrey!" Hermione quickly interrupted before she continued her way passed the Healer and into the hospital wing.

Finally, after the great doors closed, Ginny recovered from her shock and realized what had happened. Then she became agitated again.

"Why in the devils name is Hermione allowed to see Harry, she isn't related to him either?" It was Ron however, who cried out in anger before she ever had the opportunity to.

"Don't be absurd. It is perfectly fitting that Mrs. Potter can see Mr. Potter!" Pomfrey huffed, turning back to the doors, "Now, If you'll excuse me, I have more patients I need to take care of."

A few individual steps could be heard. Ginny and Ron were paralyzed in disbelief, it just couldn't be true. Madame Pomfrey must have made a mistake or it was some kind of prank.

"Did she just say Mrs. Potter?" Ginny asked unsteadily in a small voice.

Ron could only nod. He was busy considering how exactly Hermione became Mrs. Potter? He already guessed when.

"But when? How? Why? You've been with them all the time. Surely you would know that they got together, wouldn't you Ron?" Desperately she looked at her brother, hoping he might reassure her yet his reaction told her it was really possible.

"I wasn't, not the whole time." Ginny closed horrified her eyes, "After the argument I left them in anger. They were alone for at least three months."

"You just left them behind?" she whispered accusingly. Her whole world was crumbling down before her eyes.


Hi and welcome to a new story of mine,

more accurate would be it is the English version of one of my stories. A few things will be different considered I'm older and hopefully wiser now. Yet the overall plot is just that simple and probable straight to the point. I'm seriously not going to rewrite or reinvent Harry Potter, the story that is. I prefer to play that old "what if" game and to explore the resulting emotions. I hope you'll enjoy this one.

A shout out to my betareader, Josh; thanks a lot.

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