Megalomaniac Strikes Back

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Once Frisk had reset the world, she had made the decision to stop killing everyone forever. "No more dust,blood, or tears will be shed in any of the future runs or in the future in general due to murders!" But just when Frisk left the room with flowers, a strange figure appeared and giggled in an insane sounding way. Frisk quickly look back to see where the noise came from only to find nothing but the same flowers she landed on. "Weird. I thought I heard something. Must be my imagination." Frisk left the room once again and her journey to peace had begun... for now.
Back in snowdin, we find the two skeleton brothers eating breakfast together. Of course Papyrus had lost memories of the past timelines once again, and Sans simply ignored them. Though Papyrus was skeptical of his brother for being up so ealry and willing to do some of the chores around the house, he didnt mind it since he'd been working his spine off to make his brother happy for the longest time. Once they both finished their breakfasts, Papyurs left for his puzzles and Sans had gone to his sentry. Frisk, now entering snowy, was making her way to Papyrus's bridge as Sans teleported behind her and reintroduced himself. "Human. Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand." Frisk did as she was told and once again the whoopie cushion in Sans hand made it's normal farting sound. They both laughed a little before it got quiet again. Frisk and Sans looked at each other and felt akward. They were both having memories of fighting one another, so to break the tension, Sans said, "C'mon. After me and my bro finish arguing, I'll take you to Grillby's. My treat." Frisk replied, "Thank you. I... still feel really bad for the things I've done. Especially to you. So maybe having a 'talk' with you might help me feel better." Sans chuckled and walked off with Frisk to the conveniently shaped lamp. After the Papyrus encounter, Sans took Frisk to Grillby's where they both sat down. As Frisk sat down, another whoopie cushion broke wind. Sans got a good laugh out of it. Frisk was not as amused however. Frisk asked Sans, "Can you please take this more seriously? I don't want to come off as rude, but I don't think now is the time to be playing pranks on me." Sans seemed a little surprised by this. "Oh, sorry kid. I didn't know you were so serious about this talk. What was it you wanted to talk about anyway?" Frisk looked at her hands. Her vision was playing tricks on her and shifted from her hands being covered in dust to being clean. "I wanted to talk about all the things I've done..." Sans simply took a sip of ketchup and said, "I'm all ears." while pointing at his skull where his ears would've been. "I went a little overboard with the amount of times I reset. I was curious to see how many times I had to do a geno run to see something new. Since i started with a genocide run I thought that it would be ok if I kept doing it since nobody seemed to remeber...  other than you." Sans gave Frisk a weird look. Frisk continued, "The time I stabbed you brother and looked back at you... I didn't do it to taunt you. I was hoping you weren't there to watch it. I'd learned that you kept track of everything I've done even after the resets a while ago, and I just wanted you to stay away. But you refused. Instead of staying away, you kept a keen eye on me at all times. You even fought me when you knew you'd loose. I honestly thought that you, being the lazy bones you are, were going to give up after the first few resets, but you kept waiting for me. That's when the hate started to manifest itself into my soul. You clearly saw what it did to me. Or what was left of me anyway. It made me more aggressive, stronger, and more distant from myself and the pain I felt.
And slowly after every time I fought you and lost, it grew stronger until it got to the point where my soul was almost fully corrupted by it. Then you sacrificed yourself to save your brother. Not only did I get to see something new, but I realized that even after all the times I saw you barely put an eveffot to fight me, that you still cared for everyone.Especially Papyrus. You weren't fighting because you wanted to make me suffer. You fought because you wanted to avange your friends... or that's what I assumed." Sans was staring at his bottle of ketchup with black eyes and an expressionless smile. "That's... exactly what I was doing. I honestly thought you didn't care enough to even think about that kinda stuff." Sans closed his eyes and smiled. "Heh. I guess you really aren't that bad. Just... know from now on, curiousity killed the cat." Frisk smiled a little and nodded. "Anyways kiddo, why'd you stop there? You were curious enough to kill us over one hundred times before, so why stop there?" Frisk laughed a little. "Your brother had a point." Sans took another sip of ketchup before asking, "What do you mean?" Frisk replied, "He said he wouldn't change himself just to kill me. He was willing to die if he was still himself in the end. That's when I realized how badly I've changed. I was murdering innocent people just out of curiousity." Sans sighed, "So you decided to just reset and fix things, huh?" Frisk nodded again. "I don't think I'll ever get over how many horrible ways I've killed them, but I guess that's just how I atone for what I've done." Frisk last her head into her folder arms and looked like she was going to cry. Sans tried to cheer Frisk up and put his hand on her shoulder saying, "Kid, I dont know what else my bro told you, but I know that if he were here, he'd tell you to focus on the positives in life. The past is the past, so don't let it linger. Just focus on the new opportunities you have now."
Frisk smiled. "Thank you Sans." Sans winked. "No problem Frisk."
Meanwhile in the entrance to the underground, we see flower grumbling to himself. "That stupid idiot! She couldn't even carry out her own plans to destroy everything. Eh, I guess it doesn't matter. Now that they 'turned a new leaf' I can try to put my plan into action and kill them all!" All of a sudden, a bright light appears in the flower bed. "What the? That's... weird. I've never seen this happen before." Flowey gets his vines and tries to interact with the light. Then light shocks him then disappears instantly. "Ow! Ugh, stupid glitch! This place is filled with them ever since that damn human fell down here and started resetting things." Flowey submerged into the ground still mumbling to himself.
Back in snowdin, Sans and Frisk are walking back to Papyrus's house after having their talk. Sans is just relaxing with his hands in his pockets and his eye sockets closed while whistling his own theme. Frisk is smiling and hoping that Papyrus will be more friendly right off the bat instead of wanting to capture her as soon as he sees her. While they were walking, Frisk suddenly dropped to the ground. She was unconscious and looked almost dead. "Frisk? Frisk?! Oh geez..." Sans picked Frisk up and teleported the both of them to his room. Sans put Frisk on his bed to rest and walked out to grab something cold from the fridge. Papyrus had noticed that Sans was in the kitchen and asked, "Find any humans while waiting at your post?" Sans replied, "Nah. You could say that I was snow board while waiting there." Papyrus just groaned and went back into his room. Sans sighed and teleported back into his room and put a small block of ice wrapped in a towel on Frisk's forehead. "I sure hope that it wasn't the food or cold that did this to you. If it was then I dont know weather or not you're bread." Frisk would just lie there motionless. "Tough crowd."
Frisk woke up in a dark place. She sat up and looked around. She didn't know where she was, but it felt strangely familiar. "Hello?" There was no reply. Frisk got up on her feet and wondered a bit before finding the reset and continue buttons. Frisk looked at the buttons confused and was reaching for the continue button when a voice spoke out behind Frisk. She quickly turned around. "Greetings partner." Frisk was shocked. "Wh-what are you doing here? I'm not completing a genocide route." Chara laughed. "Did you forget what you agreed to? What we worked so hard to achieve?" Frisk was silent. "You remember. I can tell from your fearful expression that you know what's about to happen as well. If that's the case, I guess there's no point holding back." Frisk tried to buy time. "Wait!" Chara paused. "Oh? What's wrong partner?" Frisk was thinking of something to say. Chara scoffed. "Speechless. Whether it's out of fear or not doesn't matter. Whatever you say won't change your fate. After all, that's what you did to them, Isn't it?" Chara moved so fast that Frisk couldn't even react before Chara's knife was in her chest. Chara giggled as she pulled Frisk's soul put of her body. "Now that I have your soul, I'll take the liberty of finishing what you've started. After all, you did have this idea in the first place. It just makes it easier knowing everyone's attacks. Especially since you've been accumulating HATE for me. I'm just as strong as when you left to spare your precious friends you didn't even make. Your plan will never work Frisk. It's to flawed." Frisk's body started to fade. She felt her strength slipping put of her body. Chara examined the soul. "But look at the bright side. You'll be the first to let your question get answered."
Sans had left with his brother to get something to eat. Frisk's body was still lying in Sans' bed with the ice pack on her head. Suddenly, she grabbed the ice pack and put it on the counter. She sat up and looked for the closest mirror. Frisk took one good glance at herself, and moved the hair out of her face. Frisk smiled and opened her eyes to reveal red glowing eyes. The Frisk walked away from the mirror, but as she walked away you could she her glitch into Chara and walk out of the door.

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