- One

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Bbh's pov
"God, could school get anymore boring..??" I sit there and ask myself while impatiently waiting for the bell to ring. I swear the days get longer the farther you are into the year. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just over exaggerating, but then I notice almost the entire class looking up at the clock with me.


Ah, finally. I finally get to go home and- *crash* "Oh, sorry balddd." Great. Zak could not annoy me more. I'll never understand why so many people like him. Is it his sheer stupidity? His obnoxiousness? How he speaks like he's always talking to a large crowd? Who knows.

"It's fine, just watch where you're going please" By the time I've said this he's already walked off with Vincent and Dave. Sometimes I don't mind Zak all that much, and then he goes and calls me bald again. In seventh grade I obtained the nickname 'Bad' which always annoyed me. One mishap in the science lab and you're nicknamed for life. I thought 'Bad' was well,, bad, until Zak decided to start calling me bald, which somehow annoyed me even more.

The walk home was boring as always. Only thing exciting about it was watching some person get chased down by a seagull while trying to eat a sandwich, it was actually pretty funny.

As usual, I unlocked the door only to find emptiness and silence. My parents work most of the time, so I'm usually left to my own devices once I get home. I often find myself watching minecraft videos, even though those are for twelve year olds.

I've been looking for a new youtuber to watch, but I'm not sure who. I already watch quite a lot, but for the most part I'm caught up on their videos. After minutes of endless scrolling I came across a youtuber by the name of 'Skeppy'. I wasn't too sure about them, but they have over a million subscribers so they can't be all that bad, I think? "I took Cursed Minecraft too far..." Hmm.. That sounds pretty interesting.


I watched a little bit more of the extremely familiar voice. I just know I've heard it before. Then it hit me. I hadn't just heard this voice before. I know this voice all too well. It was Zak's voice.


(After I stopped writing Septiplier fanfics at the ripe age of twelve I never thought I'd be writing fanfic again, but here I am. Hopefully this isn't too bad, it's been a while.)

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