- Seven

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was gonna wait to post this one but i wanna fuck with you guys so here ;)

Trigger warning. self harm

3rd person pov

Darryl woke up to the bright sun shining through the window, and the smaller boy cuddled up against him. It was the most perfect sight. He looked over at the clock sitting on the nightstand to see what the time was. The clock read '7:32 am'.

"Hey muffin... It's time to get ready for school." The bigger boy spoke with lightly shaking Zak. Zak let out soft murmurs and turned over.

"Come on Zak, we need to leave soon." Darryl tried waking Zak up but he wouldn't budge. He eventually gave up and got ready. After he finished getting ready he pulled out some clothes for Zak and attempted to wake him up again.

"Zaaaaak come on." The sleepy boy opened his eyes and smiled at Darryl.

"I don't wannaaaaaaaa."

"Well you have to, I already have clothes out and everything." Zak tried fighting it but eventually he got up and got dressed. After he did his hair and got all cleaned up the two made their way out the door.

The pair soon got to school and went off to their classes. Everything was fairly normal.

When Zak walked out of third hour Jack and Zelk walked up to him. Zelk was recording, but he had his phone in his pocket so Zak wouldn't notice.

"So Zak, why have you been spending so much time with that Darryl kid?" Jack started with.

"Yeah what's up with that?"

Zak didn't really know what to say. He loved being with Darryl but he didn't want his friends to make fun of him.

"Oh pshh, that kid? I only hang out with him because I feel bad for him. He must be pretty lonely considering nobody actually likes him." These words pained Zak to say. He didn't mean them, but he still felt like he had to say them.

"Ah, so you don't like him?" Jack asked.

"Nah, he's too clingy and weird. I hung out with him once because I felt bad and now he wants me to hang out with him all the time." Lies, lies, lies. Zak didn't know his sweet lies would turn sour for him so soon.

"What's it like to hang with him?" Zelk asked. Zelk had been really good friends with Darryl for a while, he asked Jack to question Zak with him because Zelk didn't fully trust Zak.

"It's horrible. He's extremely annoying. I've hated each and everytime I've spent with him to be honest."


Zelk stopped the recording and went on his way to his lunch period. Jack just said "Ah, okay." and headed to his fourth hour.

Zelk got his lunch and went and sat by Darryl, Vincent, and Dave, like he usually did.

"Hey Darryl, I have something to show you."

Darryl's pov

Zelk told me he had something to show me which kind of confused me. It worried me in a way.

"What is it?"

"Watch this."

After saying this he pulled out his phone and started showing me a video. The video was completely black and the audio was pretty hard to hear in the lunch room.

"The video part doesn't matter, just put it by your ear and listen to the audio."

So I started listening. Soon I heard a familiar voice talking about... me?

The more I listened the more my heart sank. That was Zak talking about me. I felt a pain in my chest that I couldn't really explain. Whatever.

The hours went by faster than usual today. Before I knew it, it was already time to leave. My mind had been racing for hours, contemplating what to do about the Zak situation. I decided that doing nothing would most likely be the best idea. I had only been talking to him for a couple of days, so stopping the interaction wouldn't be too hard.

I had my bag and I was ready to go, when Zak came up to me with his stuff.

"Hey Darryl, ready to go?" I was shocked to say the least. After everything he said about me earlier he's currently trying to come home with me?? It made no sense to me, you wouldn't go home with someone you clearly dislike.

"I'm sorry?"

"I asked if you were ready to go silly.. Like to your house." He said in the most innocent voice he could pull off. I wanted to just let it go and let him come back with me, but no. I'm nice, but not a pushover.

"I'm ready to go yeah, not sure where you're trying to go though."

"W-what do you mean...?"

"I mean why would you want to go to the house of someone you find clingy or weird? You don't have to feel bad for me Zak. I'm fine." And with that I left. I never even took the chance to look back and see his expression, but I couldn't have cared less at that moment.

Zak's pov

I stood there, heartbroken. You really fucked up now Zak. Before I got the chance to say anything to him, he just left. I desperately wanted to follow him, but it was clear he didn't want that, so I just went and got on the bus.

I usually sat with Zelk or something, but this time I just sat alone in one of the back seats. All I could do was cry. The slow tears turned into full sobs. I was trying to be as quiet as possible, but I most likely failed.

The second I got of the bus I ran upstairs and started texting Darryl. I needed him right now. I needed him right now.


darryl please

im so fucking sorry

i didn't mean any of it

i swear


i love you..
! Your message could not be delivered.


I felt absolutely broken.

I sat on my bed sobbing hysterically while trying to get a hold of him.

I took my hoodie off and grabbed it.


This is all your fault Zak.


This is why nobody likes you.


This is why you deserve to die.


Continue cutting the pain away Zak.


Pathetic. If only Darryl could see you right now.


He hates you.


Everyone hates you.



Blood spilled everywhere as I faded in and out of consciousness. I felt like I was going to die. I hoped I was going to die. I closed my eyes as I expected death to wash over me.



woop this one was something special wasn't it
hope y'all weren't getting too comfy with the cute shit

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