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Ha ha, yes. Another radiodust fanfic! I just have so many ideas! This one will be mainly around Angel Dust.

(Angels POV)
I fell into hell with a loud thump. Already my head was pounding with pain. I slowly open my eyes and look around. It was dark, but not so dark I couldn't see. I lift a hand to my head. At least I still had my fluffy hair. I thought with a grown as I sat up. so this was hell....just about exactly how I imagined it, just lacking in fire. Standing up I hold out my hands to try to keep my balance but my knees give out and I lean on a wall. I blink several times. I was taller. When did I grow? do you change when you enter hell? I look down at myself. Wait. I had six arms. I held them all up, counting them. This was not a good sign.

I was I spider.

Why of all the creatures in the universe. I had to be a spider. I just assumed it was part of the endless torture of hell. I looked back up, there where many flashing signs. I had landed by a busy road, and was glad I didn't land IN the road. I tried to walk down the sidewalk. Stumbling and bumping into other demons. This place has better technology then what was there when i was alive. Of course, hell must have all the technology that will be created in the future.

I stumbled down the street for a good hour. Or at least it felt like it. I was not quite sure if hell had time. But I found myself at a bar. At least it was somewhat familiar. I push the door open and glanced around at the noisy bar. I made my way to a barstool and sat down. Damn. Hell was hell. The bar tender looked at me and could automatically tell "hello newbie." she said and walked over to me. " you got a name? What can I get ya? "

I looked over at her. Name? What do I tell her, did my name change too?  I decided to name myself after my favorite drug. New name. New me. "My name is Angel Dust. And I would like your strongest drink." I said as I have her a weak smile.

"Comeing right up sir!" She said and walked away.

At least I was still male. And gay, I had that. I look down at myself once again. My chest was anything but flat. I liked it tho. My clothing was ripped to shreds and blackened from the fire upon entering hell. That must have been how she knew I was new. The bar tender came back with his drink. "do you have a place to stay? Most newbies dont. If you don't I can take you to a hotel. Or you can stay at my place." I picked up my drink and sipped on it for a moment. Starring into the drink I could see a little of what my face looked like. I was cute. "You would do that for me?" I asked as I looked back up at her .

"I don't usually do it. But I can make an exception for you."

" I can't thank you enough. " I said as I rubbed the cup with one finger and lifted it to my lips once again. "It's really not a problem." She smiled.

About an hour later.

I finished my drink. It had taken me a long time and it seemed to help with the pain. of course it did. I pulled my self up off the barstool and headed for the mens room. Opening the door I look in the mirror. I had a love hate relationship with how I looked. I sighed and found a place to relive myself and headed out. I then talked to the bar tender again. "Just help me find a motel or something. " she nodded already knowing many places she started to list them and handed me some cash to pay for the night. She also paid for my drink. I wondered if everyone was like this in hell. Probably not. I probably just got lucky.

I waved at her goodbye and headed out. Getting used to walking with suck long legs and weird feet. My feet where ugly. Honestly, they needed to be hidden. Or chopped off. Whatever makes it so I don't have to look at them anymore. I get to the motel. I walk in to the front desk and get checked in.

Everything was so expensive. I needed to find some kind of job. That night I thought about all the things I enjoyed doing when I was alive. I loved sex. No doubt about it. I also liked to act. So I decided to look for acting jobs first thing in the morning.

Sorry for the short chapter. I just got back from vacation and I am very tired. I hope you enjoyed it, and look forward to more in the future!

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