Back to the Darkness

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    Angel stood up and walked over to his dresser. Kneeling down he pulled out the drawer and started to dig through his clothes. He wiped his face with one arm and kept digging until he found what he was looking for. He didn't mind all the clothes that had fallen into the ground. He bent down even further and grabbed something under his bed. Before leaving everything as is and sitting down on his bed.

In his hand he held a half empty bottle of straight vodka and in his other hand he held an fist full of drugs. He had gone for almost a month now. Completely clean. But now he didn't see the point. So. He took the drugs.

These were his 'emergency ' drugs. So they worked quickly. They were mostly hallucinatinagents like LSD. But there were some strong pain killers and edibles as well. A whole mixture of stuff that would insure he wouldn't remember what was going on in his life at the moment. And to top it all off, vodka. His plan was to get as wasted as possible. But he knew he was going to hate himself tomorrow.

Oh well, the high was worth the low.

He opens the vodka as he was very suddenly out of it. He could barely see, and what he did see he was pretty sure was not real. Like a talking fat nuggets with long hair and huge, thick, hooker legs. He chuckled a little and chugged the Vodka like there was no tomorrow.

He started to calp as the hooker far nuggets started to dirty dance in front of him and he threw imaginary money at him. But that hallucination ended quickly and he was sent into a world that looked like a giant kaleidoscope. The walls and roof were spinning with many different colors and shapes. All while he felt like he couldn't move his body. He was relaxed to another level. And everything he saw made him want to laugh.

He stood up and stumbled out of his room. Down the hall and stairs, falling from halfway down the stairs all the way to the bottom. But instead of getting up. Or moving, he just sat there in that awkward position on the floor and started laughing hysterically at the floor. To the point where he couldn't breath because he was laughing so hard. It was like someone had told the funniest joke on the planet to a five year old.

Once he was done with his laughing fit he pushed himself up off the floor. And looked around. Some people were looking at him. But most of them were used to being around wasted people.

"Hey! What do you call, a chicken that can't fly!" Angel started to tell a joke. But struggled to get the punchline out. "A...A!" He then started to laugh hysterically again. "Oh that's so funny!!!!" He yelled loudly as he bent backwards laughing.

Alastor, witnessing all of this from the corner of the room. Walks over to Angel. "Angel stop it. You're bothering the people here."

" OH! hi Alastor! " Angel said and waived enthusiastically at him. Right in his face. "Wooooaaahhh.... When did you dye your haiiir." Angel asked with a slur in his voice as he touched Alastor's hair.

He pointed at Alastor and tried to put on a fake serious face. "Hey. Blue looks good on you." He said before smiling and laughing again.

"Okay. Come on Angel. Back to your room with you." Angel stunk of alcohol and drugs. And Alastor started to wander if this was somehow his doing.

"Whatever you say! Daddddy~" Angel added that last part is a drunken slur. Alastor clinched his teeth before rolling his eyes and leading him back up to his room.

" okay. Just lay down and get some sleep. " Alastor tired, but Angel did the opposite. He ran over to his closet and started pulling stuff out and running over to Alastor, holding them up to him. "You would look fantastic in this!" It was a tight corset that was white with pink and red hearts all over it and a long ball dress like skirt coming from the bottom.

"Uh, no thank you."

Angel continued to do this for a good half hour till Alastor decided it would be best to just leave. He headed towards the door, backing up slowly.

"where are you going?" Angel asked with two dresses in his hands as he looked at Alastor almost innocently. But he knew that Angel couldn't control himself right now.

Alastor looked at the door before sighing and moving over to the bed. He couldn't help but feel a little guilty. "Nowhere Angel. Come sit?" He patted the spot next to him.

"You wanna stay the night?~" Angel asked in a flirtatious voice as he tossed the dresses to the ground and walked over to Alastor. "No, I just wanted to tal-" he was cut off, by Angel touching his thigh with his bottom hand. And meeting his eyes. His touch sending shivers down his spine. But

"You said you didn't want to talk to me... Remember?" Angel spoke so softly, and leaned forward to where Alastor could feel his breath brushing up against his lips. Alastor purses his lips as he was going to speak again. Object to his movements perhaps. But Angel was one step ahead of him.

And just like last time. Angel plants a kiss on Alastor's lips. Soft and fragile. Alastor's eyes widened just as before. But something was different with this kiss. For some reason it felt different. Alastor lifted a hand and put it on Angels fuzzy cheek. And leaned into the kiss. He felt Angel's tongue at his lips. Begging to gain entrance. But that was to far and Alastor pulled away. Taking a few breaths Angel looked at him with soft eyes "I love you." He whispers and closed his eyes. Falling asleep right there.

Alastor was surprised. How was he asleep already? He loved him? No. It must be the Alcohol talking. But he was just so cute... He looked so peaceful... He held him in his arms and gently stoked his cheek. Maybe. Just maybe. They could get this to work...

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