A bit later, the radio demon.

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    After Charlie had done her advertisement. More and more demons would show up. I guess me being here was surprisingly good for the hotels reputation. Everyone thought that her idea as stupid. and then they heard about the famous pornstar Angel dust was staying there. so they assumed that it was a good idea. I liked the thought of helping Charlie out. But this also ment I had to actually do something with it. I had to quit drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and even my sex habits. But luckily at my own pace.
             Today was one of the worst days. In my opinion. Today was one day, that my life actually started to change.

~No one's PoV~

     Angel was sitting with Vaggie, when this event happened. Angel remembered it clearly, like it was yesterday. Because today was the day, that he came into Angels life. That knock on the door. And Charlie calling to Vaggie. It was that day that Alastor, the radio demon, became part of the hotel.

     Angel had his popsicle. One of the only things that he could do to help him with getting clean. He had some comfort from popsicles and lollipops. His eyes followed Alastor as he made his way down the hall. "Who is that?" He asked as vaggie took a seat next to him again.

"Are you serious?" She asked in a slightly annoyed voice. "You have been here longer than me, and you don't know who he is?"

" Nope! " he said and licked the tip of his popsicle.

Vaggie went on. Telling him about the legend of the radio demon.

"He looks like a strawberry pimp!" Angel said a smirk spreading across his lips.

Vaggie rolled her eyes and went back to whatever she was doing before Alastor showed up. Angel stood up. He Quickly finished his popsicle and left the stick on the small coffee table in front of them. He walked over to Alastor who was just finishing up a conversation with Charlie.

Alastor was in Charlie's office and was signing some papers. Once he was done. He left her office, he had a large yellow smile on his face. Was that normal? Angel thought to himself, but as soon as Alastor let the office Angel approached him. "Hello daddy~" Angel immediately started, he had already taken a liking to the deer demon.

Alastor narrowed his eyes in disgust. "What did you call me?" He asked looking at Angel.

"Daddy~ didn't ya hear me?" He said and stepped closer to him. Puffing out his chest .

"Ok... Look, why don't you stay five feet away from me. At all times." He said and pushed Angel away with his microphone.

"What? You don't want to have a good time?~" Angel continued to flirt with him. " I promise I won't disappoint~" he said again.

"No!" Alastor said and started to walk away. Angel quickly followed him , already forgetting about the 'five foot rule ' they had so vaguely established.

"Come on~ I'll do it for free this time. But only for you~" he said trying to be as seductive as he could with just words. He was sure he could get him if he could touch him. But since Alastor was clearly not showing signs of interest at all, he kept away from him. Alastor ignored Angel and just kept walking, and eventually Angel gave up and stopped following him. Watching him walk down the hall to his room.

Angel sighed and turned away, walking back to the seat next to Vaggie he picked up the popsicle stick and began to chew on it. Vaggie could sense his irritation but didn't really care.

Angel spent the whole day trying to seduce the deer every time he saw him. And every time he was brushed off like dust. Angel was quickly loosening hope to even befriend the powerful demon.


A/n: sorry for the short chapter! I'm losing motivation for this, but I still have plans. I will keep updating, but the chapters might get shorter and less detailed. Sorry guys! I might work up the motivation again.

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