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"Naveen!" Finn yelled, and ran after the prince, then cursed himself for calling His Highness Naveen in public.
"Er- Prince Naveen," Finn wheezed, out of breath from running with Naveen's many bags.
Naveen, who was flirting with some girls who were crowded around the deck, turned and smiled at Finn, who couldn't help but grin back.
"Finn!" He exclaims, throwing an arm around Finn's shoulder. Finn immediately goes red.
"Ladies, this is my best friend, Finn." The girls all giggle and blush in sync. Finn shivers, disturbed, and nods briefly at the girls before stepping out of Naveen's hold.
"Nav-" Finn catches himself, "Your Highness, we really should get going. We have to meet Miss LaBou-"
"Aww, c'mon Finn!" Naveen plucks one of his bags from Finn's arms and pulls out his ukulele, "We've got plenty of time!"
Finn sighed, not wanting to be the one to remind him why he needs to meet Miss LaBouff.
"Fine. But first we're dropping off this stuff, then you can explore-" Finn glanced warily at the girls, but Naveen didn't seem to notice- "New Orleans." Naveen grins down at Finn, who fights down another blush.
After dropping off Naveen's luggage (which Finn had to carry up 5 stories- making him wonder yet again how he is still so scrawny), the pair started walking around the city. Normally, Finn would've loved walking around a beautiful city with his crush of 19 years, but the weight of why they were here combined with all the girls throwing themselves at Naveen made it difficult.
"You okay?" Naveen is looking down at Finn with concern is his beautiful brown eyes. Finn manages to muster up a smile.
"Just lost in thought." Naveen grins at Finn again but the smaller boy looks down. Naveen frowns and takes out his ukulele.
"Finn," Naveen sings, strumming the small instrument. Finn shook his head, startled, but Naveen just laughs.
"Finley is my very best friend
Good thing he's patient to no end
Finley must do everything for me
While I live my life worry-free
But it's his occupation
Plus he's serving his nation!
Oh Finley is a very good man"
Naveen holds out the last note for a little too long, causing Finn to giggle as he gasps for air after.
The two boys were so busy laughing at each other that they didn't notice the figure coming towards them from the shadows until it was right behind them.
"Hello, gentlemen," the man said. Finn let's out a small yelp, causing Naveen to fall back into laughter. The man was tall with skin almost as dark as Naveen's. He was handsome, Finn couldn't deny that.
"Would you like to know your future?" he said. Finn was about to kindly refuse- the man didn't look the most trustworthy- when Naveen answered.
"Of course! C'mon, Finn," he said brightly, elbowing Finn. The man grinned, showing off a large set of sparkling white teeth.
"Come this way, gentlemen," he said, walking down the alley, Naveen in tow, dragging Finn behind him. They walked down to a simple, slightly worn door. The paint had once been bright purple but had now faded to a dull pink. The man opened the door to reveal a room lit entirely by candles. They were everywhere- on floor, on the mantle, on small tables, and even on the beams supporting the ceiling. It smelled like a thousand different perfumes, but somehow it wasn't unpleasant. In the center was an empty circular table with three chairs surrounding it. The man gestured for the boys to sit down, and they obliged. Finn sank down into what must have been the comfiest chair he would ever sit in. He closed his eyes for a moment, relaxing, and when he opened them he saw Naveen doing the same.
"Now let's start with you, shall we?" the man said, turning to Naveen. He placed down a card and Finn leans in to see. The card shows a beautiful clear stream full of flowers and fish happily swimming along, but further downstream there's a dam blocking the way. On the other side the stream bed is dry and cracked.
"You live extravagantly- and expensively. Every night is a party, every day a day off. But your parents have cut you off- and you don't know how to live on your own, because you haven't worked a day of your life."
Naveen's smile fades, but he nods, as if confirming- although the man does not seem to need it. He places down another card. This card shows a man in a dark room, surrounded by walls that seem to be closing in on him.
"You've got to marry if you won't work- but that means settling down, and you're not ready for that," the man almost smiles as Naveen begins to look more and more uneasy.
"Lucky for you, I've got your solution. It's the green you need, and in your future, it's the green I see." He places down the third card, which is just a solid dark green. Naveen smiles a little, but still looks uneasy. The man then turns to Finn, who shudders at his intense gaze.
"Now you," he says, and places down the first card. It shows a small moon orbiting a brilliant star. The moon is far from the star, but is stuck there in orbit, unable to get closer and unable to move away. Finn glances worriedly at Naveen, who looks confused. Wordlessly, the man places down the second card. This card shows a great oak tree full with leaves and acorns. One acorn is dangling, about to fall, struggling to hang on. Just as Finn feels like he might throw up, the man hands him the last card, not letting Naveen see it. Finn looks down at the card and gasps.

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