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"You okay, Finn?" Naveen whispered, nudging the small boy, who was wide-eyed with mouth agape- and blushing wildly, which was very prominent on his pale, freckled skin. Naveen had thought his card reading was disturbing- Finn's was infinitely worse. Naveen had seen the first two cards, and found the man's silence deeply unsettling. Finn seemed to know what they meant- he'd have to ask him when they got out of here.
Naveen craned his neck to see the third card, but Finn quickly tucked it in his pocket, avoiding Naveen's questioning gaze.
The man grinned, knowing how he had affected Finn. That made Naveen angry. How did this stranger have so much power over his best friend? Why was he messing with them?
Naveen said nothing, though. The man was right, after all. He was in desperate need of cash. If this man could get it, Naveen had to hear him out.
"Listen boys- listen well. I've got a solution for your problems, free of charge." Naveen leaned forward. He was skeptical, of course, but eager all the same.
"I just need two drops of your blood, Prince."
Naveen was startled by the title- but he supposed most people here knew who he was. He was royalty, after all.
Naveen extended his hand hesitantly.
"Naveen!" Finn hissed, but the man interrupted him.
"Hush now, won't you?" he said aggressively, then quickly composed himself.
"Sincerest apologies," he said quickly before pricking Naveen's finger and squeezing out two drops. He then retreated to a table in the corner of the room. Naveen saw a puff of smoke and the man appeared in front of them, causing the boys to jump in their seats. He handed Naveen a small vial full of a bright green liquid. A slip of paper was tied to the stopper that read, Your cure. The man handed Finn a similar vial filled with a deep pink liquid. Naveen squinted to read the label, but could only tell it did not match his vial's. Finn read it and looked up with a disgusted look on his face.
"I don't want this," Finn spat. The man just shrugged.
"We'll see," he said. Then he snapped his fingers and everything went black.
Naveen groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. He looked around and realized he were back at the motel. Finn was sitting in front of him on the bed, staring down at the vial the man had given him with the same look of disgust as before.
"Hey," Naveen said. Finn started and quickly put the vial away.
"What is that?" Naveen asked, laying back down and closing his eyes. He heard Finn sigh.
"It's not important," Naveen hears Finn shift, supposedly to face him, "Naveen, you can't drink that. That man knew too much about u- about you." Naveen just smiled, opening his eyes to look up into Finn's big green eyes.
"I like when you say my name."
Finn blushed, but didn't break eye contact.
"I- what? Naveen, I'm serious."
Naveen just laughed again and sat up so he was just inches from Finn.
"C'mon Finn, the worst that could happen is I get food poisoning."
Finn swallowed and shifted slightly away from Naveen.
"Well I'm not using this," Finn held up his vial.
"Why not?"
"Because it's not right!" Finn huffed.
"Aha! So you do know what it does!" Naveen declared triumphantly. Finn turned red again, and sighed loudly.
"Will you leave it alone?!" he snapped, and Naveen flinched. Finn went wide-eyed.
"Sorry, I didn't-"
"It's fine," Naveen cut him off, "I had it coming."
Finn nodded absentmindedly and ran a hand through his wild red hair.
"I guess we should get to Charlotte LaBouff's house."
Naveen felt queazy at the thought but got up anyway.
"Yeah, I guess you're right."

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