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Eli led Naveen into a small study, what he guessed was Eli's office.
"Sit, sit," Eli said, gesturing to two armchairs in the corner. Naveen sat.
"What would you like to discuss?" Naveen knew full well what he was here to discuss, but asked all the same.
"Well, if you'll excuse my bluntness, we both know why you're here; you're a handsome, charming man after my beautiful, charming daughter."
Naveen laughed, out of habit more than anything.
"Well she is quite charming, Mr. LaBouff."
"I don't want to see my daughter marry a dirty man after our money, but being yourself and a prince, I don't believe I have to worry about that." Eli laughed at his own joke before continuing, "Many men have come seeking my Charlotte's hand before, most them with ulterior motives, but my Charlotte didn't show much interest anyways. She's a smart girl, she is."
"Surely, if her mind is as clever as her jokes," Naveen said, nodding enthusiastically.
"I personally believe a man would do my girl some good. So, if your intentions are pure, I give you my blessing, so long as you want it."
Naveen was caught off guard, not expecting an answer so soon. He'd only just met them, but he supposed it was the 1929s, and it was Disney. If a girl wasn't marrying a prince at the end of 90 minutes, what are we even here for?
"Oh, yes, of course," Naveen's bright smile returned, "thank you, Eli, you've trusted the right man."
Back at the motel, Naveen felt uneasy. He had this weight in his stomach that he just couldn't shake. He couldn't stop thinking about Finn, which was odd, but he must be worried about losing him after the wedding. Would Finn stay? Would it be fair to ask him to? They were best friends, after all; they needed each other. Naveen had been uncharacteristicly silent since the visit, and he could tell Finn was concerned.
He didn't know what he'd do without Finn.
Charlotte seemed nice-- charasmatic and shameless, like him. Still, settling down-- yes, that was it, the weight of settling down-- well, he just wasn't ready for that.
Naveen looked down at his hands, in which sat the little vial with the green liquid. Finn had insisted he throw it away, but Naveen just couldn't, and he'd noticed Finn hadn't, either. Finn still hadn't told him what his was for, and Naveen was dying to know. He still didn't understand the tarot cards-- and what had been on the third one? Naveen didn't want to pry, but that had never stopped him before. Still, Finn was just in the motel's bathroom, and Naveen didn't have time to snoop before he finishes. Besides, Naveen knew Finn: if he didn't want Naveen to know, then he'd have the vial and the third card on him at all times.
He wondered if Finn would use his potion. Maybe he already had.
He popped the cork off his vial. Instantly, a swampy aroma filled the air around him and he quickly covered it again. The smell disappeared  and Naveen shoved the vial back into his pocket as Finn entered the room.
Naveen grinned at him, because he just couldn't help it. Finn offered a small smile in return, and sat on the bed, next to Naveen. Having lost his funds, Naveen was able to have the forethought of getting a one-bed room to save some money. Too bad he hadn't thought of money before. Maybe he wouldn't be getting married.
"Finn. Finn. FINN! Finn." Naveen rambled, and flopped onto his back to stare up at his best friend, who had his eyebrows raised. He was beautiful, Naveen realized, with the wavy red hair that flopped to the side, and his perfect, angel face and the deep blue eyes looking at him humorously. It's not that he hadn't thought it before, but only in passing. It's incredible he hasn't had a girlfriend. Not a proper, lasting one, at least. If Naveen was a girl, he'd marry Finn, he decided.
His skin looked so soft. Without thinking, Naveen reached up and touched Finn's face, holding his cheek. Finn leaned into the touched and stared down at Naveen, wide-eyed. His face was as red as his hair, but he didn't move away.
Naveen wondered why he couldn't just marry Finn now. In a best friend way, though, of course. Life would be easy with Finn.
They stayed that way for longer than most would consider socially acceptable, if caressing your best friend's face (in a strictly heterosexual manor) was ever socially acceptable in the first place. Eventually, Naveen dropped his hand and they both crawled into bed silently, as if words would ruin this moment. Instinctively, Naveen threw his arm over Finn, who immediately responded by scooting closer towards his chest.
It was nice. It's nice to have a best friend that he can hold and hug, and they won't be weird about it. This wasn't the first time they'd slept like this, and now Naveen was wondering if it'd be the last. Of course, he'd have Charlotte to hold every night, but somehow that didn't seem as good. Finn fit perfectly against him, in a way that no woman ever had or ever would. He guessed that that must be why men always complain about their wives-- their male friends were so much more appealing.
Or at least Finn was.
I'm sorry I don't use 1920s language, I'm too lazy for that lmao.
If there are any inconsistencies with the story or characters, please tell me and I'll make sure to fix it.
Also grammar and spelling errors.
(That sentence is a grammar error, but it's fine).

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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