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"Oli! Oliver!" I called out. Fuck whoever this person was. I just wanted to get to my best friend.

I had my phone clutched tightly in my hand. I turned the light on and shone it around the room. My hand was shaking and I held back tears, too scared to cry. The person was gone. They ran from the room and all I saw was a flash of their dark clothes as they left.

"What's happening?!" A girl near me cried, "Someone turn on the lights!"

"Everyone remain where you are," Mr. York ordered.

Fuck that. I let the light guide my way and I crawled over to where Oli was. He was on the floor, rolled onto his side. He held his bicep as blood flowed through his fingers.

"Oli, shit! It's gonna be okay. It's just your arm, Babe, you're gonna be okay," I told him.

"Hurts like a motherfucker," He said through gritted teeth. Tears trailed down his cheek from the pain.

"He's gone now and they're gonna get someone to help you, alright. It'll be alright," I said with a sob. Fuck. I was so terrified when I heard his scream. I thought he was a goner.

"Calm down, Love," He said with a forced smile.

He looked like he was in so much pain. I didn't know what to do. I felt so helpless.

"We need some help!" I yelled at the teacher.

"We have to stay put for now. We don't know where he is," Mr. York said.

Suddenly all the lights turned back on. I squinted in the brightness and looked down at Oli properly. He was as pale as a ghost. He wasn't bleeding all that much. He'll be fine. I know he will be. I was just so scared.

"Oli, Baby!" Malibu Barbie ran over and dropped to her knees beside him.

Me and blondie exchanged a glance and I gave her a little nod. As much as I didn't really care for her, she and Oli made a good match.

A shrill scream pierced through the room. My heart leapt into my throat and I spun around towards the door, thinking the shooter came back, but I was wrong. It was one of the girls in class screaming, and when I looked at her, I saw her pointing towards one of the desks at the front.

"Oh my God," Mr. York spoke.

"What is it?" Oli asked.

"Get back. Everyone turn around and get over the other side of the room. Now," Mr. York ordered.

I was never one to obey a teacher. My curiosity got the best of me and I stood up, maneuvering around the tables until I got to the front and saw what the girl had seen. Laying there on the floor by his desk, motionless, was Aaron.

"Back, now!" Mr. York yelled.

It was like a scene from a crime show and my eyes were stuck to him. The small, round bullet hole with a thin trail of blood leaking from it in the middle of his forehead would never leave my mind.

"Kellin, go!" Mr. York ordered, pushing me back.

He we dead. Just like that, the guy who had for years tried to be my friend, and for years I pushed him away...died...he died. It didn't seem real. It couldn't be real. These things don't just happen. I didn't know how to react. Later I'd figure out I was in shock, and the shock would only get interrupted when I noticed something beside the body.

"What is that?" I asked.

"You can't see this. Everyone, face the other wall until someone comes to get us!" Mr. York bellowed.

I needed a closer look. It looked like a magazine clipping, but I couldn't be sure. I dodged Mr. York's attempts at shielding me from the horrifying sight before me. Too scared to be near a dead body, I grabbed the glossy piece of paper and looked at it.

I was going to be sick. This wasn't happening. This was too surreal. The picture was of Aaron and I from the club in Mexico. It was the one that the tabloids got their hands on. It was the one of us kissing. It dawned on me then and there that Aaron was killed because of me.

I was right, I was going to be sick. I dropped the paper and stumbled over to the waste bin by the teacher's desk. I let out the contents of my stomach.

"Ah, fuck," Oli moaned in pain, "Kellin, you alright, mate? What's going on?"

"He's dead," The girl from before cried, "Aaron's dead. He...h-he was shot!"

I blocked everything out. My skin felt hot all over. I felt like I was choking. No air was getting into my lungs. I glanced back over to Aaron. Someone did this because we kissed. It was all clicking in my mind so fast. Oli was shot. It wasn't a secret that we kissed all the time. This person was out to get me, and now more than before I was scared for Vic's life.

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