Part 1: Where are we?

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(Charlie, Emily, Shadow, and Xanthea are in the family room, while Wilford and Wallet are in an office)

Wallet: ( Inspecting a section of the office with her magnifying glass) Hmm...there seems to be clues hidden within this place (She turns and looks at Wilford in the corner of her right eye) Where should we go to investigate first?

Wilford: ( relaxing, sitting at the desk with his feet propped up. He opens an eye and looks at Wallet) Wherever you would like to go first, Inspector.

Wallet: (raises an eyebrow, then fakes a few coughs) Um Excuse me, but this is supposed to be OUR investigation, not just mine. Besides, I picked where to investigate first on the last few investigations we did.

(Shadow opens the door as Wallet and Wilford were arguing about where to investigate first, Both turn slightly and they look at her)

Wilford: (Sits up, takes feet off of the desk, and raises an eyebrow very slightly) Ummm...Can I help you?

Shadow: (Raises an eyebrow and crosses arms) If you two are going to bicker at each other like 6-year-olds, then take it outside. Otherwise, you guys need to shut your f**king mouths.

Emily: (Standing beside Charlie at the bookshelf, looks at Shadow in the corner of her left eye as she heard her say the F-word) Shadow I heard that! You better watch your mouth!

Shadow: (Eyes turn black and red, turns head and looks at Emily) Make Me!!

Xanthea: (puts an arm on Shadow's shoulder, looking at her in the corner of her eye) Shadow...

Shadow: (Looks at Xanthea) What do you want?

Xanthea: Do you remember what we talked about earlier?

Shadow: (eyes turn normal, then sighs) Yeah...(looks back at Wilford and Wallet) Anyways...if you two need anything, then just come out to the main area, where the others are, and we'll be there.

Wallet: Wait...There are other people here?

Shadow: Yep. There's Heather, me, Emily, and Charlie. They're the only other ones here that we're aware of.

Wilford: So I'm guessing that we all got here the same way- (Wallet interrupts Wilford)

Wallet: Which is that we all woke up here (Starts pacing back and forth slowly) in a pitch-black room, causing some of us to go into a so-called "Panic Attack". Furthermore, whenever we found our way out, we started investigating...unlike sOmE pEoPlE...

Wilford: Umm...You okay there?

Wallet: Yeah. Why are you wondering?

Wilford: No reason.

Wallet: Oh...but anyways, I'm guessing that's how everyone else got here as well.

Xanthea: yeah...

Charlie: ( sees Wilford in the corner of his eye. His eyes widen in excitement) Oh my gosh! I-It's Wilford Warfstache! I'm a huge fan!!

Wilford: (Looks at Charlie, then chuckles. He smiles slightly) Well, thank you. You must be Charlie I assume since you're the only other guy here.

Charlie: Yep, and this is Emily. (He puts his arm around her, Emily waves slightly at Wilford, then she looks at Wallet)

Emily: So I'm guessing that you two are together as well...or are you two just work partners.

Wallet: Well I- (gets interrupted by Wilford, raises an eyebrow as she gets a little irritated)

Wilford: It's both.

Emily: Cool.

Wallet: Anyways, did you guys find any type of clues that could say or show why we were brought here to this place?

Emily: Not that I'm aware of. We were over by the bookshelf. Charlie was reading a book, while I was drawing a weapon design in my sketchbook (Giggles softly )

Charlie: (Looks at Emily) Hey, I asked you what you wanted to do so you can't complain.

Emily: I know, I know.

Wallet: (Chuckles slightly) Oh my lord you two.

Charlie: What?

Wallet: Nothing...

Charlie: Oh, okay. (Both Emily & Charlie go back to the bookshelf in the main area)

(Wilford chuckles slightly after they left the room, Wallet looks at him. She raises her eyebrow slightly)

Wallet: What are you chuckling about? (She starts to write in her journal., then she looks back up at him, waiting for a response)

Wilford: At Charlie and Emily. They remind me of us before we started doing investigations.

Wallet: Oh...( She looks back at the journal.) okay. (She continues to write in the journal.)

Wilford: (He raises an eyebrow slightly in suspicion) Everything okay?

Wallet: (Wallet looks up at him) Hm? Oh, yeah...I'm fine. (She looks back down at the journal)

Wilford: You sure?

Wallet: Yep...

Wilford: Well, it doesn't seem like it. (takes feet off of the desk and turns her direction to where Wallet was facing him. She looks at him as he shuts her journal.) You've been like this for the past week. Will you please tell me what's wrong?

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