Part 2: Whaaaaat?!

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Wallet: (Wallet's eyes are no longer visible. She puts her journal away and puts her head on her knees) I-I'm pregnant. I have been for about a week...soon to be the second.

(Wilford's eyes widen as he heard her say it, He saw that she was going to panic and almost started to cry, thinking that he was going to be mad at her. Wilford smiles softly then hugs her, hoping that it'll stop her from panicking)

Wilford: It's okay. You don't have to panic. (He wipes the tear that was starting to roll down her cheek)

(Wallet sighs of relief. Her eyes widen again when she saw Shadow standing there listening to their whole conversation while she was waiting to tell them something)

Wallet: P-please do not say a word about this to anyone.

Shadow: Don't worry, I won't. (she crosses her arms and leans against the wall) By the wa-

Xanthea: Umm guys?... I found someone. I overheard them talking into an earpeice about Shadow.

(Everyone follows Xanthea to where the person is located. They all look at them in suspicion, thinking that the person was going to murder them)

??? : (They turn and looks at Xanthea, knowing that she overheard her talking, and then they look at Shadow with a smirk on her face.) Hello Samantha.

Shadow: (She starts to growl at the person) Who are you, how the f**k do you know my name, who were you talking to, and why were you talking about me?

???: (they smirk a little more under their black, torn-up cloak) Is this how you're going to treat your old friend? Honestly, I'm surprised that you don't even remember me. (they pull the hood down to reveal a woman with pastel lavender hair and light grey wolf ears. Her eyes are an ombre of grey with white pupils. Shadow's eyes widen as she starts to remember who she was) Do you remember me now?

Shadow : I do now..(her eyes turn black and teal and she starts to growl) H-how could you...No...Why did you leave?

???: If I explain to you now, then you still won't understand. I'll tell you wh-

Shadow : (the teal part of her eyes start to glow in frustration and rage. A couple of tears roll down her face, showing that she is holding back from fighting) I WANT YOU TO EXPLAIN TO ME RIGHT NOW GODDAMNIT! I WANT YOU TO TELL ME WHY YOU LEFT ME HERE TO SUFFER FOR ALL THESE YEARS!

(The room when dead silent. Everyone was staring at both the mystery person and Shadow, wondering what she was talking about)

???: (sighs then looks at Shadow) I-It was because of a broken heart...

Shadow: (she raises an eyebrow still aggravated, eyes still black and teal, but the glowing of the teal dimmed slightly) What do you mean "of a broken heart"? (her eyes widen as she started to remember that the mystery person was dating someone) What did that son of a b***h do to you? (the teal part of her eyes glowed brighter than before in even more rage)

???: H-He cheated on me with my step I murdered them both, left the country, went missing for decades, got used to being called Black Lable and now here I am...stuck in this living hell hole.

Shadow: .Oh (her eyes turn normal then sighs) so you're not Ca-

Wallet: (she walks up to Black Label, remembering a case that Wilford and herself worked on for years, but they never solved it because they could never find them) Sorry to interrupt, but was your name by any chance, Candace Drew? We had a case on that girl a while back, but we could never solve it because she was nowhere to be found.

Black Label: (She looks at Wallet for a second or two as she wasn't really wanting to respond. She nods her head slightly and sighs) Yeah. That's my name, but don't even think about sending me back. (Black Label looks at Shadow in the corner of her eye, then turns towards her slightly) And to answer your questions before you knew it was me, it's none of your concern...for now.

Wallet: We won't. (She starts to feel light-headed so she sits down on one of the chairs)

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