Part 3 : What's going on?!

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Wilford: (He turns and looks at Wallet in a concerned manner) Are you okay?

Wallet: I'm fine...(She covers her left eye as she was in pain)

(Xanthea turns to look at Wallet as well but then sees Shadow also covering her left eye as if she was in pain as well. Shadow uses the rimming of the doorway to help keep her balance)

Black Label: (She looks at both Wallet and Shadow, then she looks at Xanthea) Make sure that she doesn't fall. (She walks over to Wallet then looks back at both of them) I'm going to need both of you to uncover your eye.

(Wallet and Shadow both refuse to uncover their eye )

Xanthea: As usual, she refuses... (She grabs Shadow's arm and tries to hold it down. Shadow closes her eye) D**nit Shadow open your eye you stubborn a**hole. (She sees that Wallet has uncovered her eye) See? Mable has hers uncovered now.

Shadow: (She growls, but then opens her eye) There. Are you happy now?

( Both Shadow and Wallet's left eyes were black and red and has a teal rimming around the red. Both of their left eyes were bleeding out, making it look like they were crying blood. Everybody's eyes widen in shock.)

Xanthea: (She barely lowers her sunglasses and then pushes them back up to cover her eyes) Why are your guy's eye like that?

Black Label: (She stands up and puts them both beside each other) It seems like they're both connected to something somehow, but I don't know what to be exact.

Wilford: Well we better find out soon just in case if it causes anything worse happens.

(Black Label nods then looks at Xanthea)

Black Label: Since you've known Samantha longer than me, did she tell you anything about her eye?

Xanthea: No she didn't.

Wallet: I know why...and so does Shadow.

(Black Label and Wilford both look at Mabel. She starts to raise an eyebrow, not in a mean or angry way, but in suspicion)

Black Label: Why is your guys' eyes like that then?

Wallet: It's because me and her both have the same identical powers. If you look on the left side of our necks or even anyone else's in the family, they will have a letter surrounded by four dots. Both of ours are an S, while my step-sister's letter is an M. Everyone's is different, meaning that they each have a different power.

Shadow: Usually, this happens only once a month, unless if they're near a person that has the same letter. Then, it happens at least three times, but the effects are way worse than this happening only once. (She looks at Mabel) I'm going to have to tell them so they can know the more effects it can have on you more than me...

Black Lable: Tell us what?

Shadow: (Mabel nods at Shadow. Then, Shadow looks at Black Label) Since Wallet is pregnant, it can also affect the baby... it won't hurt the baby, but it will affect the mother in a bad way.

(After Shadow and Mabel get done explaining, their eyes turn back to their normal colors. Emily hugs Wallet in happiness)

Emily: Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you two!!

Charlie: (He sees that Emily is a little too happy) Um Babe..please calm down.

Emily: But I can't! (Black Label and Wilford laugh as they listen to them "argue". Emily sighs and sits down) Fine.

( A few weeks have passed by. They have found a riddle hidden within a desk of one of the offices that are located on the upper floor.)

Wallet: ( Trying to figure out the riddle. She gets aggravated very quickly and slams hands on desk) WHY THE F*** IS THIS SO GODDAMN HARD TO DO?!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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