record IV: past n'cream

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I made it my clear goal to make it through the day without being anywhere near William Henley. 

It took a lot of mental prepping to get me out of the girls' bathroom and end the day without calling David to pick me up earlier than expected, because even though I was tempted to do so, I decided against it. 

But it still didn't stop me from praying that he wouldn't be in any of my other classes. Thankfully enough, I made through Maths with no blondie in sight. A sigh left me as a drop of sweat trailed down my forehead. 

Austin's summers weren't something to be taken lightly, and today's sun was relentless. My mouth tasted dry as the heat bombed me full force. If only the school provided proper tables with umbrellas to keep the sun's rays from hitting the students that waited at the pick-up section.

The area was deserted of any other human beings, except for a curly-haired boy sitting near a trash can with his face buried on a text book. I sighed as I didn't see David's car after ten minutes of waiting in the burning weather, but seeing as he hated us being late for pick-up, I stayed where I was.

Talk about irony, huh?

"So, not only do you not like thanking people, but you also like leaving them behind."

I spun around to see William heading my direction, a quirked smile displayed on his face. I definitely didn't want to deal with him right now. 

'David, where are you?' I mentally pleaded. 

My throat threatened to close up as it did before, but I gulped it down to ease my senses. Instead of replying, I focused on the doors where a car was just entering the school grounds. Much to my dismay, it still wasn't David. 

A cough rang out to my right. "Damn, it really is hot in here. I forgot just how heated Austin could get in the Summer."

The more he talked, the more I wanted to either choke him to death or bawl my eyes out in despair. I haven't felt this overwhelmed in emotions since I was eleven, and coincidentally enough, it had also involved him. Just days after... that.

I didn't realize the situation would worsen when I felt his hand circle my arm. Immediately, my body tensed and I glanced at him with a warning glare in my eyes. He seemed to be giving it no importance as he looked down at me with a grin.

"You know, for a mute kid, you seem to give everyone clear messages. Or so I've heard. What's your name?"

I froze. No way would I tell him my name. Not now, not ever. 

As if on cue, a car's claxon pierced the heated air and we whipped our heads to a familiar silver car. I felt my heart relax as I saw David's usual childish wave. "Hey, Isa! Time to go!"

A simple gesture he'd always done, but this time, it might've been the worst mistake he'd ever done. I didn't dare to look at William as he repeated my name in thought. 

My body tensed yet again, seeing as he would undoubtedly know who I was soon enough. Without as much of a glance, I freed my arm from his hold and marched quickly towards David, who looked at us in confusion. 

The door slammed when I took my place in the passenger's seat. "Isa, who was-?"

"Drive," I replied in Sign Language.

I barely used ASL to communicate, seeing as I had a personal grudge with it. So, my older brother deemed it important when he saw the urgency in my eyes, and pulled out of Kimberly High and onto the busy streets of Austin. 

We were midway through the main highway when he turned to look at me. "Isa, what happened back there? Are you okay?"

My eyes connected with his, seeing how worried he'd suddenly become. I didn't reply, seeing as I actually had no idea how to explain the situation. I was still shaken up by the fact William was back in Austin, and worse yet, attending the same school I went to. But there was something that was bothering me above all.

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