Chapter 7

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The kids and cubs had kept on traveling for Lord knows how long. 

They didn't know where they were going but they had all become too exhausted to even care. They had ended up out in the middle of nowhere in this dry desert like land where the sun's heat was getting to them. 

"Anyone else see the dancing ballerina hippo next to that waterfall?" David asked the others, not knowing he was having a mirage.  

Simba couldn't take much more of this and soon passed out. Leo followed quickly after and soon the kids did too. 

Vultures soon came, circling as they flew down over to the weary group, thinking they were about to get a free meal. 

But suddenly, a meerkat riding on a warthog came running towards the vultures, yelling as they chased them away. 

"I love it!" The warthog smiled to his meerkat companion. "Bowling for buzzards!"

"Gets 'em every time!" The meerkat laughed while dusting himself off. 

"Uh-oh..." The warthog took notice of Simba, Leo and the kids. "Hey Timon, you better come look! I think they're still alive!" 

The meerkat known as Timon flinched in disgust before coming over to take a look for himself. "Alrighty, let me see what we're dealing with here"

Timon came up to get a closer look until he realized what the others were, plus checked out Simba's teeth. 

"Jeez, it's two lions and some humans!" Timon panicked, running away from them. "Run Pumbaa! Move it!" he told his warthog friend. 

"Hey, Timon. It's just some little lions and humans" Pumbaa, the warthog assured, more calm then panicked. 

"Look at them. They're so cute, and all alone! Can we keep them?" Pumbaa then asked Timon. 

"Pumbaa, are you nuts!?" Timon yelled in his ear, thinking he was crazy. "We're talking about lions! Lions eat guys like us! And don't even get me started about humans!" he added. 

"But they're so little" Pumbaa said to his friend, referring to Simba and Leo specifically. 

"They're gonna get bigger" Timon told Pumbaa. 

"But one day when they're big and strong, maybe they'll be on our side" Pumbaa explained. 

Timon laughed in mockery. "Pfft, that's the stupidest thing I ever heard! Maybe they'll be-"

Just then, the kids were starting to wake up. Timon was startled as he hid behind Pumbaa. 

"Who are you?" Kali asked, as she looked and saw Timon and Pumbaa first. 

"Uh... we're the guys who saved your lives!" Pumbaa suddenly exclaimed. 

"Yes! Risked everything! Fought off angry vultures! Hordes of them! Flocks!" Timon and Pumbaa explained rather quickly, which only made the kids more confused. 

"I'm Pumbaa" The warthog introduced himself and his best friend. "This is Timon" 

"Did I mention that we saved your lives?" Timon asked the kids. 

Brock and Ann just sighed. "It doesn't matter..." 

Timon and Pumbaa looked confused to why the kids seemed so glum after they'd just been saved. 

"Can you help us?" Teeders asked the meerkat and warthog desperately, looking back to Simba and Leo, seeing they were very weak and even close to death. 

Just then, Timon got a sneaky idea. "Hey, I got it! What if they're on our side? You know, having some lions around might not be such a bad idea. And I bet we could make some use for these humans"

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