Waking up

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When I woke up I didn't expect I would wake up in Gotham of all places. Firstly because I live in Illinois, secondly because Gotham was a fictional place to me a day before all this happened. Now you might be saying how did you know that you weren't in your universe? It's simple really! I woke up feeling like someone had just stretched me like an Armstrong doll and the bed I was waking up in was not my warm cozy bed where I could comfortably sleep without falling off, no I feel off that bed in three seconds, the second thing that nodded me to not being in my universe my tall brother stormed into the room looking at least 6 years older than I remembered him to be. Now I can tell you like a liar that I was completely calm about this, no I huddled into a fetal position and held my ground until my- or alternate brother came to my side whispering comforting words and calming me.

        Chapter 1

Sitting down at the kitchen table my brother looked at me and sighed "you think you can work today?" Being the confused teen I am I shook my head, he just looked at me and then went to get a glass of water. I sat there petrified running only on curiosity and shock. So many questions filled my head "where am I?" "Why does my brother look older" "why do I feel different" "wasn't he always taller than me?" "Where's dad?" And some of those questions soon got answered. "Morgan go take a shower you're soaked in sweat" I nodded and quickly went to the room I awoke in looking for some clothes, I grabbed some jeans a plain grey long sleeved shirt, and the rest. Huddled with the clothes I made my way to the bathroom. Setting the clothes on the sink I finally had a chance to see why I felt so different. I looked up and saw myself, but I was at least 5 or so years older. Gaping I put my fingers through my long golden brown hair ruffled and greasy, I stood thing staring into my reflection for a good 2 minutes before I remembered why I was in there. Starting the shower I tossed my dirty clothes into the hamper and then I noticed something else, scars. Scars racked my body in unusual places, one on my hip that went down to my thigh, a scar on my back tracing my spine, The only scar I recognized was the one on my foot I had gotten from running into a coffee table as a child. Done inspecting I hopped into the shower cleansing my skin from the grease and grime. Quickly I finished and then I then turned off the steaming water and grabbed a towel drying off my hair and then slowly drying off other places my face, my shoulders and the rest.

Getting clothes on  I walked out feeling relaxed and clean, that's when I also noticed that everything looked crisper and less fuzzy than usual. "I forgot my glasses" a mumbled phrase that left my lips more than once a day usually. I was forgetful, even if I could remember certain events or certain phrases I had only seen once in a book, the one constant thing I always forgot was my glasses. Fumbling around the bedroom I found them in their case. Putting them on I sat on what I presumed was my bed. "Is this time travel?" I asked myself. But no I knew it wasn't, the clock on the bed and the tv I saw in the living room told me I was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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