The Waiting

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((Special for National Girlfriends day! Happy Gfs day y'all! //singles doesn't need bf to celebrate, when they can celebrate themselves!))

Here you are, getting froze up waiting for your brother who is having a medical check up. You still can't get the idea why the hospital have freaking cold blasting air conditioner when patients would probably get more sick.

And it have been 2 hours. Waiting for an hour to get your brother's number called, and another hour waiting for him doing the check ups..

While waiting, you observe people around you. Nothing fun. Nothing weird. Oh only a young man sitting couple seats away from you who looking quite fidgety. At first you thought he was a doc, since he have that white coat on. But if he is, why does he have to sit around here?

And the worst thing happen, your eyes contacted each other. Since he had already caught you staring, you deliver an awkward, small smile and gaze away, as if it never happen. Too bad, he came closer. Freak this world and your anti socialism.

"Umm.. Hi?" He spoke least to your expectation. You nodded and reply his smile. "Hello."

"Actually, umm, I am a third year med student. And there's this survey we have to do. Do you mind if I ask some question?" He ask. You thought for a second. Well, you were going to die of boredom, and your brother won't be done any sooner. "I'm fine." You said.

"So, why are you here for?" He ask. "Well, waiting for my brother, he have some check ups" you answer.

"Oh? So then you don't have anything to check?"
"Uh, no."
"Then how often have you came here?"
"How old are you?"
"First year college."
"You're young. Have a coffee with me?"
"Woah, woah. Where is this going med boy?" You asked starting to see that his question getting off where.

He chuckles lightly. "It's getting nowhere. I was supposed to survey a patient. But it seems you're another lady in waiting." He teases which bring your lips curved up as well.

"Well, sorry to put your hopes up then." You giggled. "Oh no need to, I have fun killing your time." He smiled. Its a charming sweet one. Your heart wrench–in a good way.

"I'm Boboiboy."

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