Death Waits for no One!

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“When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant...”

Genesis 9:14-9:15

Aife POV


When I was a little girl I always thought that I would always find my beloved when I turned a certain age, but I was wrong because I wasn’t a vampire even though my parents were reapers (another kind of vampires). We normally lived among humans for decades without being notice until a vampire would expose us which cause us to go to war for many centuries. There are at least twelve or more royal families which are descendants from each downworlder, but when a royal family dies than another takes over causing each royal two sets of royals if one decided to fall. We are the only royals that the vampires are after which pisses me off because every other royal knows we exist, but doesn’t bother to scrape us off the earth. While running from vampires all my life I never meet my beloved even though I knew he was in the town I’d lived in for thirteen years of my life. I will never find anyone at this rate! Sigh!

Since I’ve been running from vampires all my life I didn’t find my beloved, but I fell in love with another reaper. His name Asher he has smokey gray eyes, sandy blonde hair and full luscious lips that I’d devour in a minute. The first time I meet him was when I was running from vampires a year ago in england. Since then we have moved to Houston, Texas. Vampires and reapers aren’t the same we can stand the daylight as for vampires they need pill and need to have been born or lived longer to be in the sun. Sometimes I wonder if had the vampires caught me would I have been able to have a kid and escape. Reality started to hit hard when I realized that we would both die regardless if I had one.

Finally three years had past and the vampires has given up on hunting me. When Asher came in  there was a look on his face that I couldn’t read, but I knew there was something wrong. He handed the vampire daily news reported:

Dimiri and Edelyn, 900 years of age,London, died on January 10, 2013. Mr. & Mrs. Valentina was killed by Vampires. Their only child missing and nowhere to be seen. Some say she killed herself trying to run from vampires, but others say that she is alive and plotting revenge not only for herself, but for the murder of her parents.  The daughter is the only living or nonliving descendent that will be able to claim the throne and if she is not found one of the biggest royal families will be no longer in power till her offsprings arrive if ever to happen.

She stared blankly at the paper a while longer feeling guilty that she left her family to deal with them on their own. She cried blood for however long it took, even though Asher tried to comfort her nothing helped with the loss of her parents.

Four days after reading the newspaper and learning that her parents were dead she fou}

big which was unusual for a reaper even though this was her first child. She made an appointment the next day to see the doctor to find out what was going on. The next morning when she arrived at the doctor office the doctor had a bit of good news and bad news. As Aife and Asher sat down the doctor shifted uncomfortable. “There no way to tell you this, but your baby died and its unusual because your hormones are at the right level. The good news is you are having twins which is remarkable since one out of the three children died.” Instead of answering the doctor Aife and Asher knew why the baby didn’t lasted because it was a human instead of a reaper. Aife and Asher pretended to grieve for their lost child.

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