Chapter 5

Unfortunately, the sun didn’t rise on the horizon on this beautiful morning. I still felt alive and buzzed from last night little traditional get together but I was high off of blood which was magical. I looked through my bloody closet to find a white dress, black corset belt, and combat boots. I felt daring today. I took a quick shower throwing on my outfit and combing my hair into a high tight ponytail. When I came into view my parents, brother and Raven just stared at me in different expressions. My brother looked annoyed, My parents were accepting and Raven just looked smitten. Raven stare was ginuwine unlike my families “Still trying to be something you're not to fool the enemy always clever,” my brother said in annoyance. This time my father gave me the usual dosage and did the same for Raven and my brother.. I took an apple and the car keys without saying a word and left. When Raven followed me outside I told her to get her own ride.

Arriving to school was another story there was traffic on the interstate so I decided to take the shortcut through the woods. When I finally arrived I parked in my usual spot near Fallen chevy. Ash was waiting by my locker as usual, but there was no Fallen which was strange. She kissed me and I turned scarlet red “Did you hear we have two new students,” she said. My stomach started to churn when I felt them near. We headed towards AP chemistry which was a total drag. Raven and my brother walked inside the classroom. The teacher looked directly at me once he saw my brother slip.

“Mr. Valentina like I told your sister violence and talking without any respect will be taken seriously.” instantly everybody looked directly at me and I started to shrink in my seat even more. “Same goes to you Ms. Santiago,”

Raven sat right next to me and I felt my life slip away. The events from last night started to replay in my mind  which indeed brought back old memories. The class went by pretty slow but eventually the bell rang. As soon as I was away from the class Ash arm went around me and I suddenly felt at ease. “You didn’t tell me you had a brother?”

“It was irrelevant till this morning. He came in at six am and my parents decided to enroll him,”

“That girl seems friendly with your brother. Was y’all friends?”

“Something along that line.”

When we headed into honors english they were in my class yet again. What have my life come to right about now. Mr. Andrews motioned for me to go in the front of the class and read the assignment. Eventually, I got up standing in front of the room aware that everyone was staring at me but there was only one person that knew my soul which I didn't like.

“My interpretation of the quote means that no one ready to die yet because if you waiting for it then you won’t be prepared for what next in the great design. But If death already has too you away you are invisible to the world. Immortality such as invisible means  we can create another life to become free.”

“Interesting explanation. Why did you choose this poem though?”

“This poem has a meaning behind it no one can ever comprehend unless you’re equipped to decipher the codes that are in between each word.”

“I’m going to take this all into consideration Ms. Valentina and I hope that your brother is as much as intelligent as you are,” I rolled my eyes taking my seat casually. Everyone went but  when it was time for Ash to present I felt my soul lift up. She looked directly at me when she explained why she choose that poem. The bell rang as we headed towards the cafeteria I felt Raven looking for me. We sat at our usual table when my brother and Raven decided to sit at my table I wanted to punch something when people kept saying “You guys are identical twins!” Oh lord now people want to realize this after spending nearly four hours in school with this billshit. Again, why me? Raven smiled as I glared at her. Ash put her arm around me whispering in my ear displaying a satisfying look on my face. My brother glared at me for taking one of his plantenos which caused him to throw his milk carton at me which he received the finger instead of a laugh. The bell rang and I headed towards study hall when I recieved a text from Raven:

We need to talk!

Me: There nothing to talk about I’ll see you late.

When I finally decided to close my eyes my alarm went off which made me look at my watch I was late. When I reached my locker Ash was standing there looking all god like. Removing my books and bookbag from my locker earned me a mischievous smile from Ash whom reluctantly kissed me which made me melt to the core. Then I felt Raven before I saw her; her anger pierced my soul. Ash looked at me with concern creeping in his eyes. Raven walked over towards us with and hurt expression. “Introductions is in order to have a friendly relationship,” Raven said bitterly.

“Ash this is my ex-girlfriend Raven,” I mumbled.

“Wait, you two dated? You didn’t feel the need to tell me this because…” Ash said.

“Because I knew you would have overreact and make a big deal about this,” I said.

“We’re practically living in the same house,” Raven stated.

“Angel, I will not compete with your ex-girlfriend,” Ash hissed.

“I didn’t ask you to but I guess I was wrong to think you would be different from all my ex-girlfriends, but I was wrong. Just leave me alone for good Ash,” instead of going to my next period class I left the school with a note. I got inside my car when I heard Ash yell my name I drove away as fast as I could. Ash called me a few times and left me 6 text messages, but at this point I don’t care anymore. I wanted to hide under a rock and stay there for the rest of my life. Raven was right behind me when I entered the house. “You ruined everything!”

“You’re not supposed to be with her I love you and she doesn’t. I have always had your back since day one. I know I wasn’t the best girlfriend, but I can’t see you with another girl other than myself because I’m still in love with you,” She kissed me and I felt my whole body respond to her. Everything between us was still there the love and the passion. She began to kiss  on my neck, working her way down low as my muffled cries filled the silence. Her hands travelled over my tattooed body, and soon my thighs, as she started to spread my legs, I fought to prevent her from going down, but it was futile, she was stronger than me, and determined to get what she wanted.

She bit my neck one last time before shimmering her way down low running her thumb in circular motion on my thigh, she dove in making me cry out as she got to work. She flicked her tongue wildly in me, sliding it in and out of me, making me moan. She slid two fingers into me, making me gasp, as she bit and suck on my nipples. As she went faster and  deeper, she flicked her tongue over my cunt, sucking my wetness. My legs started to shake, my moans getting louder, as I tried to get away. My efforts were worthless; she had me pinned down to my own bed and I was about to hit my climax, I moaned as she went as fast as she could, thrusting her fingers and tongue in me as I struggled to catch my breath. Licking so fast, I couldn’t hold it in any longer I came, and she licked every drop and kept going to ignore my cries of protest. She rubbed my cunt forcing me back down, but I had another surprise for her.

I got on top of her sucking on her bottom lip. I brushed my lips against her thighs. She knew my purpose and she didn’t fight back either. I smelled her fear and wetness. I grasped her thighs as I went inside of her. I started to penetrate her walls getting her wetter than ever. Her thighs were smooth as a baby bottom. My upper lip brushed against her cunt as my tongue thrust through her walls. I felt her hands through my hair as I began to quicken my pace. I felt her cunt pulse then my lips were sucking on her cunt in a circular motion. She gripped the sheets as my tongue slithered over her cunt. Her legs begin to shake under my grip and I knew she was begging for me to let her come so I did. She was so sweet the taste was savored on my tongue. The day started to wither away until she said  “I’m glad I have you back Angelica you are my everything,” then the night finally gave away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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