Blast from the Past!

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Chapter 4


As the sun rose into the horizon the next morning, I woke up in an uptight mood. I just wish this death threat would go away already. I need my life back already!I still can’t figure out why mom and dad gave Raven my number. They knew she still had feelings for me and would do anything  to protect me. I went to the shower letting the warmth of the drops and mist take over my body. I trudged out of the shower to my closet to pick out an outfit for today torture. I decided to go with black jeans, a tank top, leather jacket, a bulky belt and knee length high heel boots. When I arrived downstairs my parents looked at me in a way I’ve never seen them look at my brother before. “Sweetheart, why are you dressed like?” daddy broke off and studied me. “Trying to fool vampire by thinking your a vampire.”

“I’ve learned from the best  daddy,” I chuckled. They gave me the shot and the pills today. I drank some of dads O negative and left with the car keys. Being on the road in the morning felt purifying. When I started to speed my senses kicked in again. The creature was still out there. Do I go after it or go my merry way? These questions was eating at my insides, so I ignored it and drove straight to school. I parked near Fallen chevy. When I got out of the car some of the students stopped what they were doing to stare at me. Fallen and Ash caught up to me as soon as I entered the building. Ash just stared in a lovestruck manner. Then, an expression crossed over her face that seemed like regret.

“New look?” Ash said bitterly.

“No, this is my normal look and this is who I really am,” I said

“Look about yesterday I’m sorry I was out of line and…” I stopped her in her tracks.

“No worries it’s forgotten about already,” I said through gritted teeth. There was no more conversation after that we headed towards AP chemistry. I sensed Ash emotions and I could tell she wasn’t happy, but it wasn’t my fault then I felt her mind open and instantly close down. When I took my seat the blonde-haired women walked inside the classroom whispering inside Mr. Bannister ear and he looked directly at me. I knew I was in deep doodoo. I got up and walked with the blonde- haired women to the office. I took a seat in the principal office with coach and the guidance counselor. Mr. Westler looked extremely pissed.

“Ms. Valentine do you have any idea how much damage you’ve done?”

“No sir I have not,”

“You dented six cars, skipped school and made a tree fall on my brand new car. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

“I’m sorry I’m just used to being homeschooled and not in a large area. It’s kind of stressing plus with my family problems I just didn’t think and I’m truly sorry,” A look of sympathy crossed over the principal face.

“You are off with a warning this time, but refrain from running away from your problems. You will see Ms. Gorben at least once a week and you will practice with the school track team.” the principal said.  I plastered a fake smile on my face, but this shit was annoying trying to please humans. How can I have sunk so low in my life? “I will be there there.”

When the principal, coach and Ms. Gorben wasn’t paying attention I stalked out of the main office. Can this day possibly can get any better?  Classes were almost over so I decided to go to my locker to see Ashe leaning against it. As she saw me approach her eyes began to change red/silver color. When the bell finally rang I stopped in my tracks there was a familiar scent that I’ve known all my existence, but I don’t know where that person is, instead of going to my locker I headed towards my english class feeling lightheaded. This class wasn’t as boring as AP chemistry. He made each of us find a poem that fitted us to the best ability. He called on me to read the poem I choose, but I couldn’t deny the fact that everybody was staring at me. I got to the front of the class feeling confident, looking at each of one of my prey “Beacuse I could not stop her death, he kindly stopped for me, the carriage held, just ourselves and immortality - Emily Dickinson” Mr. Andrews looked at me in awe as I finished reading the poem I wanted to began, but as for the students they looked scared out of their asses.

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