Off to a Human School! Kill me Now!

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Chapter 1


Being born into this world as a reaper wasn’t the highlight of my life, but recently I just found out  who I am really made me regret being on this earth. Whenever I spotted a human my fangs would retract making them pierce my gums. Walking home when humans were still outside was the worst. The smell of vermin made my blood boil and fangs sharp. When I arrived home my parents stared at me. As soon as I sat down they surrounded me like a swarm of rattlesnakes.

“Angel, where have you been?” Mother asked.

“I was out mother,” I replied.

“You know you can’t be out this time of day considering your condition,” mother said.

“Wait, my condition?” I laughed. “This was your condition when you carried me inside of you for nine months. It’s not mine, It’s our condition mother,”

“It’s not a good idea for you to go out at this time of night for a while sweetheart,” My father cut in.

“Why not?” I hissed. “You’re trying to ruin my life,”

“Sweetheart, we’re trying to protect you. There are things that are in this world that would want you no let me rephrase want us  off this earth,” father said

“We have enemies?” I questioned.

“Vampires are our natural enemies, but other downworlders have accepted our existence for a while,” Mother answered softly.

“There’s only a handful of us on earth, but vampires can’t accept us?” I said.

“Basically, our kind does not like vampires at all  that why the war between vampire and reapers have gone on for a few decades. There were alliances in the past with bond marriages, but it hasn’t quite gone as we all hoped it would,” Father said through gritted teeth.

“SO I’M A PRISONER!” I yelled.

“Not necessarily. You will be attending public school,” father said.

“Hold on, I have to go to school with humans,” I stated.

“This is for your own protection, so to answer your question yes you will have to attend school with vermin,” father said.

“You’ll ruin us all if I go to a public high school with humans I wont be able to control myself when my senses go into overdrive,” I said.

“Thats why we  have these special pills that will lower your senses about eighty percent,” mother said.

When my parents finally finished telling me I was going to high school they walked  of the house without noticing that I was still  there. They’re trying to ruin my life again even after they told me I was never to live a normal life because I wasn’t human and that killed any dreams that I’ve had since I was a child. Maybe this could be my get out of jail free card. I might get what I want afterall. Once I was in my room there were school supplies everywhere this was going to be a long year for me. Every book and paper I saw made me realize that my life taking an unfortunate turn for the worst.

Tomorrow is going to be the longest day of my life. I was locked away in my room until my parents called me downstairs for dinner. As i descended down the stairs I could  sense another living presence in the room, but it wasn’t a supernatural , but a mere human. When I walked inside the dining room a boy close to my age was strapped to the table with leather bands. My fangs throbbed inside of my gums wanting to be released. While dad made a few arrangements and preparations  for guest to arrive I couldn’t help, but notice that the boys look familiar. Our meal started to sing.

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