Tagged, twice!

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Note: I will still update on Saturday or Friday, like I normally do.

I have been tagged by ILOVETHEGAY101... Twice

I never thought the day would come... I think that this is the first time I got tagged... So um... HERE YA GO!


Sexually? : panromantic and demisexual my fellow b*tches!

Gender\Sex? : okay, so. For the longest time (maybe five years), I thought I identified as cassgender... But now that I'm almost eighteen, I just don't know anymore. I might be cassgender, but I also might just be cisFemale. I'm still figuring that one out.

Cassgender - A gender where one doesn't care about gender, they feel it is unimportant or unneeded.

Last song? : Anna Blue - So Alone

Happy? : -_- idk, am I?

Hair color? : Black, like my SOUL. Jk, Jk. I'm a blonde.

Zodiac sign? : Virgo...

Last person kissed? : Bruh. Bold to assume I had one. I still haven't even got my first kiss.

I WAnNa DaNCe wItH soMeBOdY!

Favorite color? : Is mayonnaise an color? Otherwise black and purple. I can't choose.

Favorite food? : ...I love food to much. I can't decide. If I choose a favorite, the other foods will be sad.

Battery percentage? : 89%

Celebrity crush? : .... Bold to assume I have one.  -

.. .- -. -. -.-- / .--. .... .- -. - --- --

ANd YeS ThaT iS mOrSE CodE.

Favorite vegetable? : Brendon Urie

Shoe size? : WTF are shoes!?!?

I'm a 6\7,

but normally I don't wear shoes. Maybe socks.

Dream job? : Civil engineer. Not going to be specific about it.

I tag:




I'm seposed to tell you 13 interesting facts slash things about myself....

Een \ one- I'm bilingual. English is my second language. HALA.

Twee \ two- I am the definition of the meme, "I love bread."

Drie \ three - Number two is ironic because I'm allergic to yeast. I have pills to keep it in check tho.

Vier \ four - I hate shrimp (as a food source)

Vyf \ five - I'm also allergic to something in toothpaste apparently. I can't even accidentally swallow that sh*t.

Ses \ six - I love Saitama. End of discussion.

Sewe \ seven - I'm turning 18 in September....it will be spring for me then.

Agt \ eight - I HATE the number eight. I don't know why, but it has got to do with the pronunciation.

Nege \ nine - I live with my family, (no sh*t), and we have three cats. THREE CATS.

Tien \ ten - We also have two dogs. So uh, STORY TIME. - We got our dogs from the shelter. The lady said that they were border collies and brothers.... My 30cm ruler is taller than they are now... They are five now........... Long story short, they short af aswel as their hair....yeah...

Elf \ eleven - I love reading Stephen King, Tess Gerritsen, Ted Dekker and V.L McDermid.... Mostly King tho.

Twaalf \ twelve - My favorite YouTubers, apart from our Queen Thomas The Dank Engine, are : Kubz Scouts,  The Game Theorists,  Cinema Sins,  Sam Collins,  Grian,  Hbomb94 and Echo Gillette.... Don't judge me. I named more than I thought I loved. Woops.

Dertien \ thirteen - The numbering in this one is done in my first and second language. I'm not going to tell you

what it is tho. You'll just have to find out.

I tag: 

I also sincerely apologize for the people I tagged. You don't have to do it, but I'd like it if you did. Oh, and AllysonSchoultz, I love your poems!

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