𝟎|collateral damage

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"Come on, dad, or we won't get to see it before the exhibition," the young girl pleaded as she walked ahead of her father and sister. Her braids bounced as she skipped ahead, struggling to keep her excitement and eagerness bottled.

The three were in New York for the day to visit an exhibit at the planetarium that the older girl wanted to see, but first, they were stopping by Stark Towers. It had just recently become the first high-rise to be powered by an Arc Reactor, set up by Tony Stark himself.

He was young Lucille's hero so, to say that she was excited to see Stark Towers, was indeed an understatement. Tony Stark's advances in technology were amazing and she wanted nothing more than to intern at Stark Industries one day. She hoped to be accepted into the Midtown School of Science and Technology in New York for high school in a few years, where her sister already attended, and she hoped that would boost her chances.

Valerie looked over to her father, her frustration clear on her face as they walked to keep up with her younger sister, "Dad, there's no way that I'm missing the opening of that exhibition. That stupid Tower will always be there. Exhibitions only open for the first time once."

Their dad chuckled and shook his head as he began to walk a little faster, "Lucille, you'll get to see the Tower, don't worry. And Valerie, we have an hour to get to the exhibition, okay? We have plenty of time, sweetheart."

"And the Tower isn't stupid," Lucille looked over her shoulder to tell Valerie. "The energy that Tony Stark has it running on allows it to power itself for a full year on its own. How is that not amazing?"

Her sister was walking just behind the young girl, arms crossed in front of her, "I don't see how a building is more interesting than the planetarium."

"Yeah, well-"

"Enough. Not today, you two," Doctor McClair scolded, stopping his daughters before their discussion could progress into a full-fledged argument. Valerie and Lucille usually got along very well, but when it came to their science interests, that's where things got a bit tricky - each girl becoming defensive if the other dare say anything negative.
"Okay? So how about we-"

Before their father was able to finish his sentence, the ground shook beneath them. Since Lucille had been moving rather fast, she stumbled somewhat before regaining her balance, glancing back at her father with wide eyes. Small screams echoed through the street and a few cars screeched to a stop.

"What the hell was that?" the small girl gasped, feeling her heart racing in her chest.

Her father gave her a pointed glance, "Language, Luce."

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