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"Doll do you need help?" Chris asked as I tried to shuffle out the Jeep and into my wheel chair. The doctors had ordered me to bed rest but I couldn't be on bed rest for my court date.

I gripped onto Chris as he effortlessly picked me up and placed me down. "Thank you." I mumbled. I hated not being able to get around by myself.

Chris hummed out a welcome and shut the door. He pushed me to the front doors, pressing the handicap button to open the doors and then pushing me down to our assigned court room.

We sat outside until the one trail was over and we could go inside. "Oh! Shit!" I grabbed my stomach.

Chris immediately sprung to action. "Are you okay? You need to go to the hospital?" He scrunched his eyebrows in concern.

I shook my head and let out a breath. "No the baby just kicked." I grabbed his hand and pressed it to my bump. "You feel it?" I grinned.

Chris cheesed like an idiot. "Our little girl is really kicking." He chuckled. I had stopped trying to correct him because he was sure it was a girl. "She wants to be a badass soccer player." We were waiting for the baby to be born before the wedding that way I wouldn't have to be in bed rest anymore.

"Mmh Maybe." I giggled. I was startled by multiple people exiting the court room. Loud chatters were emitted by them. "Our turn." I huffed.

Chris stood up to push the wheelchair once again. He pushed us into the courtroom where the other lawyers were already packing up. "Evans? Nice to see you again." One of his colleagues spoke as we passed him.

"Anderson." Chris nodded to him. He said nothing else, but kept going towards our spot. He pulled one of the chairs out and slid me into the vacant space. "You okay? You need anything doll?"

I shook my head. Chris moved over to his side, taking a seat. Soon Matt's lawyer was entering along with Matt himself. He looked terrible, facial hair all grown out. His hair was longer and he looked homeless.

"All rise!" Once the judge entered we sat down. Well I had never stood up in the first place. "Counselor Evans I see you are coming here to get a permanent restraining order for your client against Matt Stevenson."

Chris stood up with a clearing of his throat. "Yes your honor."

"Your honor my client claims to have been mocked and flashed with indecency." Matt's lawyer spoke up.

I scoffed. He had to be joking just to play this out more. The judge rolled his eyes just wanting to be done with it all. Me too bud. "Counselors approach the bench please."

Chris glared at his opponent before going up to the judge. They spoke for a long time before Chris started to yell. "There is no way you could possibly have that!" Chris hollered. "Unless that creep snuck into our house and-."

"Counselor Evans. Calm down. Since there is no proof I cannot charge anyone with anything." Judge Angelo explained. "As for you Johnson, don't make false claims."

I was barely listening and I looked over to see Matt staring at me again. He had a cut on his right eyebrow that drew my attention to his face. He could've gotten the scratch anywhere, but it looked like it was from glass. It was a far stretch but Matt was the only other one who could have possibly known that I was on that street.

"I'm not making false claims." Johnson rebutted. "My client-."

Judge Angelo didn't let him finish before he was talking again. "Everyone knows about Evans's engagement, it was approved and it should be left out of this argument."

I was having a stare down with Matt. He knew I knew. My eyes started to water for my late friend, for my precious child, for my life almost gone. "You're a murderer!" I screamed. It drew the attention away from the bench. "You killed her! You killed Dani you stupid piece of shit." I sobbed.

All I could hear was the judge hitting the gable and the sound of my own weeps. Felt the hot tears stream down my neck. Tasted the salt of my pain. "I hate you!" I screeched.

Chris had to move in front of me to draw me away from Matt. "Baby he wants to see you like this, you're giving into him doll." Chris held my head in his hands.

"He killed her Chris." I leaned into his hands.

The judge raved. The security guards storming in. "Order in this court!" The judge roared. "Ms. Y/l/n if you cannot contain yourself I will hold you in contempt!"

I shut up and the judge dismissed the case. Grumbling about some Advil. Chris hurriedly packed up and pushed me to the car. I tried to get in but ultimately needed assistance. Chris was driving way too fast for my anxiety. "Chris baby slow down!" I winced.

"The cameras babe, he's watching us through the cameras." The car bumped up from how fast he was going down the backroads. "That's the only possible way he could've seen us have sex."

My eyes nearly popped from my skull. "What?!" I braced onto the dashboard. "Chris slow the fuck down!" I screamed.

The car started to come to a moderate speed. I wondered where the cops were to give us a speeding ticket. "I'm sorry Y/n! I just have to get you home and call the police." He turned the corner into the apartment building rather sharply. "Johnson claimed we sent him a video of us ya know having sex."

"Chris he's probably just trying to fuck with our minds. The real problem is he tried to kill me and he killed Dani." Chris parked the car. I winced again at the sharp pain in my stomach. I got out the car and sat in my wheel chair so Chris could wheel me to the elevator.

As soon as we were in the penthouse Chris was grabbing a collector baseball bat and smashing active cameras. "Try to watch now you asshole." He huffed. He was out of breath. "Baby I'm calling the police. Are you okay?" He asked when he saw me wincing again.

I nodded. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." I laid back on the couch. My breathing increasing with the pain. I heard Chris explaining over the phone. "Ow Ow." I whined. "Chris something is wrong." I scrunched my eyebrow. "I think my water just broke!"

"What?!" He raced to the couch. "Oh my God okay... uh could you also send an ambulance here. My fiancé is going into labor."

I let out a soft laugh and tears brimmed along my eyelashes. "Chris just take me to the hospital." I gasped out.

"Oh never mind we will drive." Chris hung up and put his phone in his back pocket. "I'll get the wheelchair okay babe." He stood up and turned around, but was met with the butt of a gun.

I screamed in horror and looked up to see the devil. "What's wrong baby? You not happy to see me?"

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