|Chapter 1: Confession to make gone wrong|

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You can do it, you can do it, you can do it,you can do it! Just ask him to meet you in the cafe, confess, get rejected, and then cry for the rest of my life! Yeah! That's a fantastic idea!

I thought as I was walking out of my sanctuary of a room ready to leave for school.

"Ohayo minna!" I said as I was going down the stairs. I turned to the kitchen to see my mom turned to the stove while humming a small tune.

I looked towards the table to see my dad signing some papers, which I assumed to be papers for the next mission my older brother will be taking.

Father turned to me and gave me a tired smile.

"Ohayo N/N," he said as he turned to the pieces of paper before turning to me. "Can you wake up your siblings?"

I nodded and turned back to the stairs and going back up. Once I was in the second floor I turned to the right and opened the first door on the left. I opened the door and saw a lump in the blankets.

"Haku, wake up. You gotta get ready for school." I said as I approached the said boy.

"Ugh, do I have to? Onee-Chan doesn't go to school so why do I have to go?" Haku responded as he snuggled more into the bed.

"Haruko doesn't go cause he is on a mission, besides he has already finished school." I put my hands on my hips as I shook my head.

He groaned before he got out and started getting ready.

"Yeah, yeah, when is he coming back from the mission this time?"

"In a couple of days I think. Though pretty sure dad is gonna give him another one." I answered while starting to head back to the door.

"Okay Onee-San!" He responded as I closed the door.

I headed to the door right in front of Haku's and opened the door.

"Akai! Time to-"

"Ahhhh!!! Get out pervert!" She yelled as she threw a hair brush at my face.

"What the frick Akai!? I was only-"

"I said get out!"

"Okay then!" I slammed the door and left.

Once I got down my father looked at my face and chuckled lightly.

"Akai I'm guessing?" He asked as I assumed he chuckled about the red Mark forming on my s/t face. I nodded and sat down, stuffing my face in my arms.

Mom placed breakfast in front of me with a small smile.

"Morning Y/N, you excited for the big day today?" Mom always finds out about everything,so naturally she already knew that I liked Karma for ages. She's also the one who introduced me to him when I was 7, since her and Mrs.Akabane were also best friends since Junior high.

I nodded and started scarfing down my food.

Not long after,Akai,and Haku came and sat down. Mom came back to the table and had 4 plates. One on her head and one on each hand, and one on her bicep . She placed the two in her hands in front of both siblings. She then gave the one on her bicep to dad. Lastly she sat next to him eating the plate filled with breakfast that was once on her head.

3rd POV

"Good morning," both of your siblings said as they started eating. Akai looked up and looked at you with a confused face.

"What happened to you? You look like something was thrown at you." She stated as she was eating abit of her food.

You groaned and said it was nothing and started eating in silence again. However the silence didn't last long as it was your 7 year old brother who spoke this time.

"Dad, when are we gonna get our first kill?" He always asked this every time you dad was home instead of being at his office or on a mission.

Your Father didn't responded for a while before lifting his face up and gave him his signature tired smile.

"Later when you graduate elementary school or when your in High school." He responded, earning a groan from the h/c boy.

Once you all finished you and your siblings said goodbye before leaving to your sibling elementary school.

You dropped them off before heading to your own school. As you got to the entrance you saw a fimiliar Red head and decided to join him, ignoring the nervousness that was about to create a tsunami if you didn't calm down. (By now the red Mark dissapeared thx to ur favorite author!)

"Hey Karma!" You said to the red head, earning his attention. You were a nervous wreck but noticed he looked a bit startled by your greeting, but you didn't ask why.

"Hey Y/N, how are you this morning?" He asked as you both made your way up the mountain.

"Good, what about you?" You asked looking down,not wanting to make contact with his mezmorizing red hues.

"Eh, normal." He responded. You both had a long silence as you both could feel the tension of nervousness but decided to not asked.

After a while Karma spoke again.

"Wanna hang out at the cafe later? I heard there was a new drink/dessert they made." He said tilting his head to the side to avoided his face being seen red.

"Sure! I was actually thinking of going there with you anyways." You responded with your head looking the other way.

You both were at least half way before hearing some sniffles and muffled cries.

"Did you hear that Karma?" You asked as you looked at the direction of the sounds. Karma nodded his head before stepping in front of you in a semi protective way.

"Stay behind me alright." He said in a serious tone before heading towards the culprit of the sounds.

You both made your way to the sounds looking around to make sure you weren't gonna get jumped, even though that was possibly not the case.

As you both kept walking Karma suddenly stopped, making you bummped into his back.

"What's wrong Red?" You asked as you looked up at him. He had a blank face on but answered your question.

"Someone is here but I don't think it's anyone around our age." He informed before starting to walk once more, with his guard slightly down.

You both saw a clearing and saw what appeared to be a little girl crying. You having a soft spot for children, immediately jogged towards the little girl with Karma behind you.

"What's wrong sweetie?" You asked as you rubbed her back gently.

"Where your parents kid?" Karma asked as he standed abit away from her with his hands behind his head.

"L-leave, please..." She said not looking at eaither of you. You both looked at her with confusion. You about to asked her why but she cut you off.
"Please... I don't want it to happen." Once agian you looked at her with confusion. "Please...it's gonna happen soon if..." Before you could even get up you saw a bright light. Before you opened your eyes again you heard a small "I told you...I'm sorry." Before the white flash vanished.

You both opened you eyes feeling wind hitting both of your faces. When you both looked down, you could see that you were both falling from the air.

Published: August 21,2019

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