Chapter 2

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Daniel's P.O.V
"What do y-you w-want c-corbyn?" Why was I stuttering I've never stuttered before.

"You see pretty boy I get what I want and right now I want you" Corbyn said through his gritted teeth and started to lean in I took this opportunity to step on his foot and run out of the bathroom. I ran back to class as fast as I could before he could catch me luckily the door was open so it was easy access into the classroom.
When I Set down Jack looked at me with a worried face.

"Hey buddy what's wrong you look scared."
"You would've never believed who I saw in the restroom it was Corbyn on top of Zach or zeek  I don't know but as soon as he left he tried to get me." As I was explaining what was happening Jack's face turn worried more than usual.

"That's not a good sign you know he's not gonna let you go until he gets what he wants." Jack explained.
"What no this can't be hap-
Before I could finish the bell rang signaling That it was time to go home.

I saw my mom dad and sister walking out of church so I followed them to the car.
"So Daniel how was class today." My mom asked.
"It was interesting" I tell her hopefully she doesn't question cause if she does I don't have a answer to my luck she just leaves it be.
We get home and I am exhausted and decide to take a quick rinse and head to bed hoping corbyn doesn't see me tomorrow.

Time skip
I wake up and decide just to put on some regular jeans and a hoodie not really wanting to go to school.
I rush down stairs say bye to my mom and head over to jacks surprisingly he is waiting for me outside this time.
"Why are you out so early?" I question due to him usually making us run late.

"Turns our if you don't put your phone on vibrate you'll hear your alarm go off." I giggle at his stupidity some times I wonder about him.
"So are u ready?" Jack asks
"Ready for what?" I respond walking up to the stairs of the school
"For what I said last night I told corbyn isn't going to leave you alone"

I look at him scared yet kinda with a sarcastic look.
"Oh yea how do you know that you've never even talked to him." I say with a a smirk on face.

"I don't need to talk to him to tell u he staring at you it looks like he's eye fucking you." Jack says. My face goes pale and my smirk is completely wiped off I turn around slowly to see what jack said was true, and it was there across the hallway I see corbyn Besson just leaning against the locker staring at me while biting his lip I quickly turn around and look at the time we have five minutes before class starts ehh it's never hurt anyone to get to class early.

"Jack lets go please I don't wanna be here." I say since we have all except one class together.
"Alright lets get going" jack says and soon as we start walking I swear to you I heard someone grunt but i didn't stop to to turn around.

Corbyn's P.O.V
I walked into to school throwing the cigarette I had in my hand one the ground and stepping on it while heading over to my locker I was putting away some stuff when my bestfriend Jonah came up to me.
"Hey corbs by any chance do you have an extra lighter my parents took mine away from me after they caught me smoking last night."

"Yea let me grab for you." I look through my bag looking for my lighter I always carry and give it to Jonah.
"Thanks man I really appreciate it so I was wondering if you-
I didn't listen to the rest of what he was saying cause I saw the boy from last night and started staring at him.
He thinks he can run from me he's wrong I'm not going to stop till i get what I want. Jonah stoped talking and started to look at what I was staring at.

"Really corbs a church boy" Jonah said.

"What he's cute I can't help it I bet he'd be a nice fuck." Jonah started laughing at me and I have no idea why
"Corbyn do you even know who that is that's Daniel Seavey the most innocent kid in this grade." Jonah started laughing again

"Wait your saying that kid is innocent oh this is going to be fun to do then"
"Wait what happened to that kid from that you were messing around with what his name Zach right?"
"Oh you see we were just about to get to the good stuff last night until that cutie over there" I say pointing at Daniel. "Barged in on us I decided I wanted him instead of Zach."

I saw Daniel leaving with his friend and let out a low yet kinda loud grunt I swear they are never apart yesterday when I ran after him he went straight to him.
"Well I wish you luck but I doubt you'll get in his pants." Jonah says before taking off probably to smoke I mean we have five minutes before class.

Then something hit me I have one class with Daniel that he doesn't have with jack i know he sits by himself so that be when I'll get him this is going to be a fun day.

Word count: 953

Hey guys so here's the update like promised I probley won't update till Monday cause my birthday is tomorrow so I'll see you then

Church Boy  ~  Dorbyn Where stories live. Discover now