7. Traversing To New Worlds

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*earlier that day in the halls to the library a magenta trail of mist flows in the room and forms into an old woman with white hair and soft wrinkled skin while wearing a black cloak*

Evil Queen- *notices her look and smirks proudly* (Of course, everything I do is exceptional.) *she starts walking in confidant strides until she meets Maddie and Pinkie* *she stays quiet*

Maddie- *curious* Ooh! It's so hard to stay quiet isn't it? I play the quiet game with Pinkie and my pet rock, and little Igneous is always beating me!

Evil Queen- *takes a step back*

Pinkie- *curious* Oooh! You're a disguised queen?

Evil Queen- *shocked* How...What makes you say that?

Pinkie- *smiles* Because we heard the Narrator call you a disguised queen.

Evil Queen- *arches eyebrow* Narrator?

Maddie- *smiles* Oh, don't be scared! Narrators aren't like alligators, even though they sound the same, by their names not voices because alligators don't talk, especially not on Thursday because that's all about honking-

Evil Queen- *demanding* I demand to know why these Narrators are talking about me!

Pinkie- *smiles* Oh, it's nothing personal. Narrators talk about everybody and know everything. But no one hears them except me, Maddie, Kitty Cheshire, and Adagio Dazzle though they pretend not to.

Evil Queen- *utterly confused*

Maddie/Pinkie- *smiles* Bye, disguised queen lady! *the two cartwheel down the hall and away*

Evil Queen- *heads in the opposite direction* (Wonderlandians are generally odd, but that one and her familiar almost seemed to be reading my mind. Mental note: Investigate the Hatter child her familiar further and whatever a Narrator is after this Shadow High business is done) *she readies her magic with a sleeping spell in the library just in case* *she walks in and sees that the room is empty* Fools, this room should be constantly crowded with students eager for knowledge. Don't they know what power hides between book covers? *she reverts back to her normal form* *looks around the room while grinning wickedly* Now then, time to get to work!

*she starts looking around for books on Shadow High through seeking spells but nothing*

Evil Queen- *chants a spell* Seek now the hidden, not a certain edition, not that shadow unbidden. Seek the cage of the strange, the shelves with the mange, where the dangerous tomes call home. *magenta fog turns into a snake like creature that slithers all the way to the back and stops at a mirror* *she makes a fist with magenta energy and puts force on the mirror smashing it* *she steps through* *solemn* Mirror prisons for dangerous people, mirror prisons for dangerous books. *she looks at a section labeled Histories and sees that it's filled with stories about monsters* Strange... *she notices a bunch of Ever After High school records and sees a paper titled 'Yearly Attendance Across Districts'* *shocked* There are so many other schools that I've not heard about...why. *she notices a few schools* *arches eyebrow* Alfea, a school for fairies...*rolls eyes and keeps going while activating a spell to sense the school* *she comes across Monster High and notices a green spark* *grins wickedly* Well, hello there, Monster High, is it? That sounds dark and mysterious. Perhaps it's an alternate name for Shadow High and judging by that spark someone at this very moment must be looking for a way out. I think I should pay this place a visit. Best to strike while the iron's hot as they say. *grins evilly* I'm afraid you've hidden from me far too long, my evil little friends. *she surrounds herself in her magic and casts a spell* Hook this High where monsters lie, crook that nook of land, find the sand of the beach where creatures reach to seek a peek inside Ever After-wide.

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