Chapter Twenty- Four - No such thing as too fast

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Hope's P.O.V

It had been a few weeks since Marcus and I got back from Milan, things have went from great to AMAZING! We had been spending all our time together and I fell even more in love with him. Thankfully though it has not affected our work at all...we were still staying very professional when there, well except stealing kisses in his office when we can. I don't think many people had worked out that Marcus and I were together which I was happy about cause I don't want to be known as the girl that is fucking her boss even though it is so much more than that between us, something I know a lot of people would not believe or understand.

I felt my phone vibrate against my desk, knowing who it was....Marcus, he always texts me at the time cause it is my lunch break...his too.

Marcus: Hey beautiful, are you coming to join me for lunch? I have Chinese coming X

Hope: Of course I am he-he x

Marcus: Well hurry along I have missed you today. X

He had been busy all day with conference calls, only seen him if he asked for anything or needed me to get something for him but barley had a chance to talk. I grabbed my things from my desk and made my way to his office, closing and locking the door behind me. We always locked the door just in case anyone comes in and sees us together.

"There's my girl." He smiled widely as I walked in

"Hey baby." I said blushing a little

Yes even after over two months together he still makes me blush very easily. I made my way over to him, walking around his desk until I was in front of him, as soon as I was he pulled me onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning in for a kiss which he happily took from me, kissing me back as his fingers played with my hair.

"Mmm I missed you...missed those lips today." He said once we pulled away from the kiss

"I missed you too handsome." I said stroking his cheek

"I want to talk to you about something, we can do it right now or after work?" he said

He wants to talk about something? What? Should I be worried? Why should I be worried? It can't be anything bad with how great things have been between us right?

"Now is fine cause if you don't I will worry about it all day." I laughed

I watch him take a moment to himself, taking a few deep breaths, the way he was acting was making me feel a little nervous.

"I was thinking Hope you spent more time at my place than you do your own." He said and I nodded "So how about you just move in officially? Move into my place. You stay at mine at least five/six nights out of seven, you have some of yours things already there. I love falling asleep next to you and wakening up seeing you still next to me. If you think it is too soon that is OK too but I just wanted to put it out there." He added

Well, I was not expecting that. Move in together? He did have a point, I was at house more than I was at my own. I was practically paying rent for no reason.

"I would like that." I smiled

"You would?" He said excited

"I would. I like the thought of us staying together officially." I smiled

"Me too. I was not sure if it was too soon to ask." He said

"I think we are past that stage, wondering if anything is too soon." I laughed

I know we have sort of been moving pretty fast but if something feels right is there such a thing as too fast? I don't think so. We love each other, why not move in together officially.

"Yes you are probably right." He laughed "When do you want move in? I am thinking this weekend?" he added smirking

This weekend was two days away

"I need time to pack, tell my landlord and get things sorted out, think it is probably gonna take a couple of weeks." I laughed

Marcus petted his lip but nodded understanding it was going to take time

"But you can still stay with me while you get all that sorted right?" he asked hopeful

"I am sure I can do that." I laughed

He gave me the dorkiest smile when I said that, leaning in for another kiss before he let me go, letting us get organised for our lunch arriving

"I ordered you chicken noodles and egg rolls." He said

" favourite." I said smiling

"I know." He winked

He knew me so well, he practically knew everything about me...I knew practically everything about him too. Soon enough lunch arrived for us, Marcus had already paid for it when he ordered it. He passed me mine and I sat on his desk while he sat on her chair, he offered me the chair but I find his desk very comfortable.

"What do you want to do tonight?" he asked

"A night in with movies, a home cooked meal, wine and you sounds perfect." I said smiling widely at him "I can make us chili con carne." I added

"Yes please I love your homemade chili con's amazing. Plus probably gonna be a late night so a night in just with you sounds perfect." He said

I enjoyed when we went out but I preferred our nights in more. I loved snuggling up on the sofa or in bed with him, watching was the definition of a perfect night for me.

"I love you baby and I can't wait until you officially move in with me." he said placing his hand on my knee

"I love you too." I said leaning in for a kiss "My sister wants us to join them at their lake house for the weekend, not next weekend the following weekend, was wondering if you fancy it?" I added

"That sounds perfect...and I can finally meet the kids." He smiled

"Yes you can, can't believe you have not had the chance to meet them yet. They are so fun and sweet. You will love them" I said gushing over my two nieces who are four and seven...and my two nephews who were ten and two.

"I am sure I will if they are anything like you, your sister or your mother." He smiled

I nodded, the girls were very like us...the boys more like their father and his side of the family.

I text my sister, telling her we would be there and I would call her later, wanting to tell her the news about Marcus and I moving in together. Marcus and I spent the rest of our lunch break together before we had to get back to work. I was utterly smitten with him and I was excited but nervous too about officially moving in with him. As soon as I sat down my desk he sent me a text

Marcus: Love you Bright eyes xx

I smiled, he was such a sweetheart

Hope: I love you too baby mwah!!! Xx

I sat my phone aside, getting back to work, eager for the day to be over to be with Marcus...only him and I. 

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