Chapter Thirty- Three - Life changing

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Hope's P.O.V

I was eager for lunch to come around because I needed to talk to Marcus and he has been busy today so not had a chance to chat...but this was important. And with that thought I got a text through from him

Marcus: Hey beautiful...lunch is ordered with be here soon so come through cause I have missed you x

Hope: Be through in a minute...I missed you too x

I got up from my desk, heading through, knocking and he told me to come in. As soon as I walked in the biggest smile appeared on his face, that smile still made my heart go crazy. I closed the door behind me, making my way over to his office chair, Marcus pulling me into his lap as soon as I was close enough. I giggled, wrapping my arms around his neck, Marcus leaning in to kiss me softly.

"Hello my love." He said when he pulled away

"Hi to you too..." I smile pecking his lips

Marcus leant up, stroking my hair as he smiled at me.

"Can we talk?" I asked my nerves coming back

"Everything OK?" He asked a concerned look on his face

I shrugged, not sure if it will be or not. I took a deep breath, deciding to get straight to the point, no point taking too long cause the longer I take the more nervous I will become. Marcus was looking at me, waiting patiently for me to answer.

"I am late." I whispered out

"Late?" He asked confused

I let out a small giggle at his confusion, maybe I should be a little clearer with what I am trying to tell him.

"My period is ten days late." I stuttered out periods this month so far and my period is usually like clockwork, always comes on time no matter what even if I am stressed.

"It is?" He said "Have you took a test?" he added

"Not yet...will you come with me to the chemist after work and get some?" I said

"Of course I will my love..." he smiled

"What if I am...pregnant?" I asked

I was not sure what he would think of it. Yes we have spoken about these things but I don't think we meant this soon, more like after we were married.

"Then that would be amazing beautiful." He said trying to keep his excitement under wraps

He would be OK if I was pregnant? Knowing that made me relax instantly

"It would be?" I asked

"Of course it would be...did you think I would be mad or something?" he asked

"I don't know. I know we have talked about these things but I didn't think it would be now, more like after we were married." I said

"Baby it won't matter if it is now or then...I would be happy to find out you were carrying my baby." He said "What if you are, what are your thoughts?" he added

I was the same as Marcus if I was pregnant then I would be happy too, of course I would be because it was Marcus's baby I would be carrying. Though right now I never wanted to get our hopes up in case there was another reason why they were late.

"I would be happy too." I smiled "But let's not get to excited right now OK until I do the test." I said

"I know...though really hope you are, that would be amazing...that would make these last few months even more amazing." Marcus smiled leaning in to kiss me

I nodded, kissing him back, both pulling away when lunch arrived. Everyone knew by now about Marcus and I...Marcus warned them all if they have a problem with it they know where the door is, thought thus far everyone has been OK with it which is good.


"Ready baby girl?" Marcus asked as we walked into our place

I nodded, taking the bag with the three pregnancy tests in it...Marcus made me buy three just to make sure either way no matter what the result is. I never argued with him, grabbed three, and least we would find out.

"I will be right outside." He smiled kissing me

I was nervous I was not going to lie. I headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind me, hoping I would be able to pee enough for all three. It took a minute but soon enough I was peeing on the little sticks that could change a good way though. I could hear Marcus pacing back and forth outside of the bathroom, something that made me giggle. When I was done I sat the tests up on the sink, opening the door

"Three minutes?" Marcus asked

"Yeah." I smiled Marcus setting the timer on her phone for three minutes

It felt like more than three minutes I can tell you that but as soon as the timer went off, Marcus reached for my hand, looking at me

"Ready to find out?" He asked

"I am look." I said chewing on the inside of my cheek

"Ok bright eyes." He laughed kissing me again before he headed into the bathroom

I stood outside nervously chewing on my nails, waiting for him to tell me what they said...or come out with them...anything but he was not saying a word. Is that a good or a bad thing? I headed into the bathroom, Marcus standing there staring at them

"Marcus?" I said

Marcus turned to look at me, the biggest smile on his lips and tears building up in his eyes

"Hope we are gonna have a baby...they all say pregnant. There is a good chance we got pregnant in says 4-6 weeks..." he gushed

I couldn't believe it, so much so I had to check but right enough there they were...all positive. I was pregnant, Marcus and I were going to have a baby

"Oh My God...a baby Marcus...we are gonna have a baby." I gushed feeling my own tears build up

He nodded, grabbing me, swinging me around and kissing me over and over again

"A baby my and I are going to have a baby." He gushed back, kissing me again

Marcus pulled me close to his chest, hugging me...both emotional and excited...a baby, I can't believe that we were gonna have a baby!!!!

"I love you much and I can't wait to marry you...have a family with you." He gushed at me

"I love you too Marcus. I can't wait is all gonna be is perfect." I gushed back snuggling into his chest

I can't believe how much has changed in less than a year, it was crazy...beautiful and crazy. I never thought the day I started working for Marcus we would be love...engaged to be married and pregnant...not for a second did I think we would have all this but I would not change a thing. He and I were perfect together and from here on out I knew it was gonna become even more perfect...the rest of our lives are gonna be amazing.


Hey everyone, 

Hope all is well? 

This is the last official chapter, Epilogue to follow 

over the next couple of days


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