Epilogue - Three years later

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*** Three years later ***

Hope's P.O.V

It has been a crazy three years...a whirlwind of life. Marcus and I were celebrating our two year anniversary next weekend...our baby boy Dylan now over two years old...our youngest Melody turning one in a couple of weeks...Marcus and I have been together now four years and I swear every day was better than the one before. He was an amazing husband...father, just an amazing man really.

"My dad would have loved this...loved you." I said rested my head on Marcus shoulder

We were all over at my bothers, having a family BBQ in the celebration of my fathers birthday who would have been sixty today

"I wish I could have met him. My mother would have loved this too." Marcus said kissing the top of my head

"I am sure they would both be very proud and happy for you both." I hear my mum's voice say from behind us

I looked up at her smiling and nodding...I knew my dad would be, he would have loved to be here with us all if he could be and I am sure Marcus mother would be the same but they are maybe gone but surely aren't forgotten. I looked around, couldn't help but smile the way the both families have come together...how close everyone was.

"Hope are you sure you don't want a drink sweetie?" my mum asked

"No honestly I am fine...one of us needs to stay sober." I giggled

"Ok sweetie." She smiled leaning down to kiss my head before going back to playing with the kids

My mother was in her element with them all running around.

"Bright eyes if you want a drink I will not have any more then I can keep an eye on everyone, you deserve a break too..." Marcus said looking down at me

I smiled at him, leaning up to kiss him...his kiss still have the same effect on me that it done four years ago, some things never change, everything he does and says still affects me in the same way it did four years ago. I was still as crazy about him...still in love with him as much as I have always been, don't think anything is going to change to that.

"I know that is not the real reason." I said smirking

Marcus looked at me, seeming a little confused. I giggled, leaning into his ear, placing my hand at his heart, feeling it pound in his chest because I was touching him. I think I still have the same effect on him that I always have too

"Because you are gonna be a daddy again." I whispered in his ear

Yup I was pregnant again...eight weeks to be exact, only found out yesterday. I was going to wait to tell him when we were away celebrating our Anniversary but I couldn't keep it in much longer...

"What? For real? You are pregnant again?" He said looking at me, wide eyes full of excitement, the biggest smile playing on his lips

"Yes it would seem that way...only eight weeks though." I said meeting his smile

I loved being a mother...loved being pregnant, it was the most amazing thing in the world...that and being Marcus's wife.

"Oh My God that is amazing my love...another baby. I knew we spoke about having a third maybe in a year or so but still this is amazing...I love being a daddy." He said getting emotional

"I know you do and you're an amazing daddy." I smiled, leaning in to kiss him softly

He rested his forehead against mine, wrapping his fingers in my hair

"This is amazing Hope...you are amazing. You are happy about it right falling pregnant now rather than when we talked about getting pregnant again." he said

"Of course I am happy...you know how much I love being pregnant...being a mother and the fact that I have them with you makes everything even better." I gushed at him

Marcus made sure I was Ok...made sure everything was OK with baby thus far which it was. I had been really lucky with my pregnancies...no serious issues, morning sickness and backache but I can handle that, it is worth every second of it.

"I can't wait for our third little one to be here...we are for sure going to be kept busy aren't we?" He laughed "Three kids under four." He added

"That we will be...just how we like it." I said winking at him "I love you Marcus." I added

"I love you do beautiful...without you I would have none of what I have...would not be this happy...this content." He smiled kissing me

We decided to keep it between us for the moment, wait until I am twelve weeks to tell everyone, they were all going to be shocked but happy at the same time. I wouldn't be surprised if someone worked it out before then especially with the smile that is not present on Marcus's face. I leant in for another kiss before pulling away from him, grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet, heading over to where my mum and his dad were playing with the kids.

"Daddy." Melody said excited when she seen us coming, she was a daddy's girl and she looked so much like him

"Hey my sweet Angel." He said scooping her up and she cuddled into him

I loved the relationship they two had...Melody was a daddy's girl while Dylan was a mummy's boy but we were a close little family already. Dylan was running around playing with his cousins, too occupied to bother about us but it was good to see him enjoying his time with them cause he can be quite a shy boy. Rachel appeared by my side

"How far along are you?" she whispered only for me to hear

I turned to her, giving her how the hell do you know look?

"What? How?" I whispered back

"I just knew...plus you are not drinking and I watched you and Marcus get all excited." She smiled

"Only eight weeks...don't say anything OK not until I am twelve weeks." I said

"I won't...but I am so happy for you both, the two of you are amazing parents." She smiled hugging me

"Thank You..." I smiled hugging her back

Marcus headed of, running around and playing with all the kids. I really did have the most perfect man in the world and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him...with our family. I never thought the person I would end up with would be a man who started off as my boss but here we are, people who are meant to be together can meet in the most unexpected ways and I wouldn't change a thing about it...I placed my hand on my stomach, rubbing it as I watched Marcus with the kids, was not sure who was having more fun

"Your daddy is amazing peanut." I said softly "And we can't wait for you to join the family." I added

Life was incredible...perfect and I hope it is always this way.


Hey everyone, 

Sorry this book is not too long :( which I could have made it longer

but the truth is was beginning to lose inspiration for it and I never 

wanted it to come across as forced you know...

Thank you too everyone who had read, appreciate it...

Hopefully new books coming soon and anyone reading 

Undercover bad boy that will be updated tomorrow 



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