Act 1

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(prologue) Alex Johnson the heartbroken ex of the late Destiny Maria Christensen is in her room picking out stuff to donate to the theatre. She starts finding stuff for her memorial section at the theatre when he comes across some of their old programs. As he looks over them his eyes start tearing up as she reminisces through the memories he had planned for them before she passed away. (Just a dream) after he thinks of the memories he starts to wonder if he'll ever see or hear her again. Then at that moment a vision of Dessy appears and sings to Alex that she'll be there (listen to the angels) after the voice leaves and Alex is the only one who heard her. He then thinks about how they met and fell in love with each other while working backstage with the cast (if the world turned upside down). Then he introduces her boyfriend at the time Justin Jones one of the lead actors and performers as he rehearses his number (whatever happened to Saturday night.) after his rehearsal Dessy starts to wonder what it would be like if she could find the love before. (when she loved me). The next day at rehearsals the cast is introduced to a new member a first impression Alex Johnson who plays by his own rules, but has a great passion for performing.  His ways conflict with Justin who sees him as a threat. But Alex just wants to be who he is and doesn't want to change for anyone by any opinion. (I don't wanna be). After he tells the cast about himself he immediately begins a spat with Justin (what is this feeling.) after rehearsals Alex notices that Dessy his ex was in the same group and before he can talk to her Justin talks to him saying that the only thing he would care about would be himself. However, the way Alex takes it lets the audience know that he could do worse things and joins Dessy and her mother the weeks after her daughter dies saying that they would never say or do anything worse than cheating (there are worse things I could do). The next day Alex tries to talk with Dessy but when he sees her with Justin all he can do is remember the love they once had (on my own). After rehearsal, Dessy returns home and works on her work on her homework in her room. However, those thoughts often became overshadowed by her thought s of how she'll survive the next day (All that matters). Early at the next rehearsals, Alex decides to confront Justin about using Dessie to further his career. But to no avail, but he soon tells him that all the jabs he throws will make him stronger (fighter). After their spat, Dessie hears Alex singing and starts to remember everything that happened between them as she tries to talk to her deceased father (papa can you hear me). Then she soon joins him by rehearsing a song they had both learned together as Alex tries to convince Dessie about the stuff Justin's been up to (it's all coming back to me now). After they sing together for the first time in years Dessy doubts that they could ever rekindle their old romance. And that he has changed for the better after what happened years prior(destiny). However, Alex is willing to do anything to get her back into his life whatever it takes. (I have nothing.)

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