Lock away lover chapter 1

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The hospital stench ran through my nostrils, making me want to retch. Doctors rushed round, looking like they didn't give a shit about anyone here, why would they? Im sure they get paid plenty, the look of them makes out as though they are from the higher class of the city. I wouldn't be suprised if most of them lived in mansions. A nurse in a blue apron approaced me, eyes looking tired.

''If you'd like to come this way Miss Mcgee.'' The young looking nurse requested, I pushed up from the red waiting seat I was uncomfortably sat in and followed the nurse into a hospital room.

Henry lay silently on the clean hospital bed, his eyes telling me that he was confused. I sighed and sat down in a seat next to the bed. The nurse let herself out and Henry groaned as soon as the door closed. ''I forgive you.'' Henry's unwanted voice insisted, when he closed his eyes for a split second I rolled mine. He never thinks any of this is his fault, im the one to blame. Even though im not the one who picked up the sharp knife and cut his skin, im the one to blame.

''Anna.'' My name was whispered, my eyes ran up to meet Henry's, the hatred I was feeling was above the average scale right now.

''What?'' I spat rudely, not wanting to listen to his annoying whining voice.

''Will you be my girlfriend?'' He pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

My head ran with frustration at that moment, not again my insides begged. I quite frankly didn't want him anywhere near me but the thought of what would happen if I said no made me disagree with my inner voice. ''Yes.'' I lightly whispered through the small hospital room. His hand appeared on the top of mine then, our hands rested on my lap in an awkward way, I bit my lip and pushed my hand up onto the bed where his hand easily followed. My body ached to get away from his touch, the thought of kissing him again made me feel disgusted.

His eyes closed then and my whole world stopped for a split second to notice how much I missed the old him. The him who was underneath the monster he created for himself. Henry was amazing a few years ago, the perfect boyfriend, a comforting friend and the person I wanted to be with most, that's until the murder's started.

He always hated his Dad, his Dad was an alcoholic and not a very nice person if you ask me, he was never at home and he never spent any time with Henry the only time he did spend with him was when he gave him money to get him some beer from the shops. Only I know about the unhealthy relationship he shared with his father. Henry's Mum was different though, she always made me feel welcome when I came over to his house, she was such a kind hearted person and was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, she had long golden hair that reached just below her waist and amber eyes that were as bright as a star, her slim body was always covered with the perfect fashion's. She was anyone's dream Mother, she'd do anything for Henry or her family, she was so giving and I loved spending time with her if Henry was busy. But then the fighting started between Henry's Dad and Mum, the divorce was filed and Henry went through a whole month of depression.

I remember one night we were at his house watching a horror movie and that's when things got really controlling. His lips kissed my hair, I smiled at the touch of him. Then his hand travelled up my thigh making me shiver, I gently stopped his hand from going any further and gave him a sorry looking face. My attention turned back to the movie until I felt him kissing my neck and then it started. I pushed him away, biting my lip at the though of losing my virginity to him on his sofa. He knew I wanted it to be special and he told me he did too.

''We have to.'' He kept telling me as I pushed him further away from me. I shook my head in refusal then I felt my hands being held, he was on top of me, legs tightly securing my body to the sofa, I pulled myself up and moaned loudly annoyed at him. '

'We have to.'' He ordered, a sickening look on his face, he was practically yelling at me. I kept pushing him away and telling him to wait but he wouldn't listen. The words 'We have to' repeated constantly into my ear until the living room door opened revealing Henry's Mum. Henry let go of me then and pulled away, his mouth frowning in an obvious way.

''Is everything alright?'' Henry's Mum questioned.

''Fine.'' Henry grimaced. I stared at him in horror, pure worry about what was going round in his mental state of mind.


His parents and little brother Stephen died in car crash that weekend. Henry was with me when it happened or that's what he told the police anyway. I know the full story, he can't lie to me, the truth always comes out of his mouth when he's talking to me because he knows i'll dump him in a second if he lies. That's when I broke up with him the first time. The day I found out what happened and who murdered his family.

I didn't go to the police, mainly because he was my bestfriend and I loved him. Another reason, incase I ''accidentally'' died in a horrible way. Then a week later I got a suicide note from Henry. I sprinted the way to his house, scared to death of what I may or may not find there. I burst through the front door and ran up the stairs, just in time to find Henry stood on a chair with a belt attached to the window and connected to his neck, I pounced up next to him and yanked on the belt that then came free from the window, kissing him with all my might I held onto him for his dear life letting him know I cared.

''Im sorry, im so fucking sorry.'' I cried to him, tears escaping my sad eyes.

We fell from his chair and onto his bed only making me hold onto him tigther, his face was expressionless when I gazed up at him.

''I forgive you.'' He spoke the words so sincerley, I never thought i'd hear them come from his mouth again until the many other times I tried to break things off with him.

I should just let him die, let him die a slow and painful death for what he did to his family but a tiny morsel of my heart just seems to be clinging onto him with so much hope coming from it's tiny beat. I don't know if I love him anymore. I certainly adored him back when everything was great. Now I can't take the confusion. My head spun as I thought about the past, I try my very best to push everything to the back of my mind but then the suicidal threats happen again and the past just seems to come flooding back like an everlasting river.

Light snores came from Henry as I let my hand slide from underneath his grip.

''I hope your happy.'' I told him, angry at myself for taking him back once more.

The nurse came back in at that moment, a few paper's in her hand. Henry's eyes immediately shot open when the door slammed shut.

''Mr Lunn, the doctor thinks it's best if you stay in for the night.'' The nurse told him. Was she just trying to make me mad?

''Can I just go home with my girlfriend?'' He requested sweetly. No.

''Of course you can.'' The nurse replid. Ugh! I wish they could read my mind. The nurse signed the paper's with a blue pen and handed them to me.

''Just make sure if the bleeding starts again to put plenty of pressure on his wrists.'' The nurse told me, talking to me like I was his guardian.

I sighed and yanked the paper's from her hand not even trying to act polite. The nurse released the wires that were connected to Henry's hands and smiled a seductive smile at him as he sat up, he re-payed her with a disgusted look. His eyes hit mine then, making me nervous to look at him.

''Im glad were back to normal.'' He causally spoke. Oh my. Hardly normal being in a relationship with a suicidal, murderer is it?

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