Extra Chapter

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I didn't plan on having a fourth chapter, but I was walking through a Zoo while on a vacation this summer when I got this idea for a chapter.
This chapter just fulfills the questions that I always have after reading a book or watching a movie, What Happened Next?

Three Years Later:

"Tee (Auntie) Grace, hurry up I want to see the pengwens!" Eloise squealed at me as she grabbed hold of my hand, once she noticed the penguin statue outside of the penguin enclosure.

The four-year-old child pulled me towards the doors of the building, as I glance back behind me at her parents and uncle. They chuckle at the scene and start walking behind us. I open the door for her and keep a tight grip on her hand because I really would hate myself if I lost her.

When we walk into the enclosure the temperature drops around 60 degrees. The penguins are on top of a tall rock that has a glass barrier between us and them. Eloise looks up at me, "I can't see, Tee Gracie, and I'm cold, burrrr."

"Come here," I say to her motioning her to come closer. I pick her up and hold her in my arms, "Now you can be warm and see the penguins."

The small child looks around the room with amazement at all the different types of penguins. She points telling me the different unique attributes of each one; for example the ones with Yellow/Orange bellies and the ones with "hair" on their head.

"Luk at ta tiny wones, they sooo qute," Eloise says in excitement.

"Not as cute as you, you little munchkin," I say as I poke and tickle her belly. She giggles and tries to push my hand away with her little ones. I stop and her tiny fingers wrap around my pointer finger.

Her eyes shift behind me and her smile widens. I feel a hand on the small of my back that slips around my waist pulling me towards the owner of the hand. I look to my left and I'm faced by the handsome man that is my husband of two years. He looks down at both of us, "Nothing is as cute as you two adorable girls."

He tickles my side with the arm that was around me, and his other hand is tickling Eloise's stomach. Eloise and I giggle, as I try not to drop the child in my struggle to swat his hand away.

He eventually stops and I take a deep breath and I situate Eloise onto my other hip. He leans down and kisses the top of Eloise's forehead and then turns and pecks me on the lips, "I love my girls."

"Ewww! Uncle Gwayson, keep your wips to yousef."

Grayson kisses me again for a bit longer than before. Eloise covers her eyes with her hands. Once we separated, I linked my free hand with one of Grayson's. Josh and Laura, Eloise's parents and Grayson's brother and sister-in-law, meet us outside the penguin enclosure. Laura takes Eloise out of my hands with a smile and places her on the ground, "Eloise, you're a big girl you can walk by yourself, you don't need to be carried around."

I respond to Laura, taking up for Eloise, I know Laura is just trying her best to raise her daughter, "Eloise was too small to see over the walls, so I picked her up to give her a better view. She didn't beg me to, I volunteered. I think we can let it slide this once, can't we Eloise?"

Eloise and I both smile at each other, and then the young girl responds, "Yes, I tink so."

Laura smiles at me and then walks with Eloise by her side to meet up with Josh. The small family walks in a line, Josh on Eloise's right and Laura on Eloise's left, both parents holding the girl's hands. A scene that you would see in a cheesy movie or magazine.

It is crazy how fast all of this happened. Once Grayson and I's plane landed in London, I didn't expect to see him again. I thought I was going to be a short fling kind of thing, but it turned out to be quiet the opposite.

He had followed me on Instagram by the time I had gotten inside the Uber that took me to my hotel. The next day I got a DM from Grayson asking me when I was planning on being in Dublin because he wanted to make sure he didn't plan anything that would interfere with the time that he could be giving me a tour of Dublin. I responded to him telling him the days but also making sure that he realized that he wasn't obligated to give her a tour.

After that text, I realized that he was serious about, what I guess you could call, our relationship. He actually wanted to follow through. I was delighted to realize that he was serious and that what I had felt between us at the airport had been mutual.

So long story short, once I arrived in Dublin, Ireland, I went on two amazing dates with Grayson, that he called "tours," to try and seem like he didn't have a massive crush on me. After the tours, I got to meet Grayson's brother, sister-in-law, and niece. The highlight of that day was holding Grayson's adorable niece in my arms as he sat next to me on the couch, peeking over my shoulder while he played with the baby's tiny toes. In that particular moment, I saw a bright future with Grayson that included his brother's family and a family of our own.

After I left Dublin, Grayson and I stayed in contact, texting almost every day and sometimes face-timing. I continued traveling around Europe for a month; however, Grayson went back to New York City after two weeks in Dublin.

When I arrived back in NYC, Grayson was at the airport to greet me with a massive hug and bouquet of my favorite flowers, lilies. He took me to a cafe near the airport, and that is where he asked me to be his girlfriend. I happily agreed, and we dated for a year. Grayson asked me to marry him at the entrance of the airport, where we first met when I bumped into him, and I happily said yes. We've been together now for around three years and married for two of those years. Grayson graduated from Grad School a year into our marriage.

We live in a three-bedroom house located in a suburb outside of New York City. I have a job as a high school Spanish teacher, and Grayson has a job at a production company designing advertisements. We have a Golden Retriever puppy, named Skywalker, that I got Grayson for his birthday this year. There's also one more thing that not even Grayson knows about yet. We are about to be a family of three instead of two.

That's right, you guessed it. I am pregnant.

I know what you're thinking, why haven't you told Gray yet? Well, I'm only a few weeks along and I want to make 100% sure that I am pregnant and that it sticks, because as you may know, my mom had complications with pregnancy in general, so I just want to make sure before I get his hopes up.

I know Grayson is going to be a great dad from what I see of him with Eloise; plus, I cannot wait to see how cute our baby will be because it is bound to be adorable since it has a very handsome daddy and an apparently beautiful mommy.


Thank You so much for reading my short story. I enjoyed writing this a lot, and I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much.

If you like to read Poetry, I have a book of poems that I will be adding to when I get more inspiration. The last three poems are actual, thought out, personal works, and I'd love if you would read them (just don't judge me for my feelings).

I've also been working on three other full stories for around two to three years, but those will be a process to finish. I might give up the idea of publishing all the chapters at once, and start posting a chapter every week. These stories include a Joe Sugg fanfiction and a Christian Love Story.

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