Bleeding hearts and the first lie of many

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Ring! Ring!

The lunch bell rings. The class stirs from their slumber and rushes to the door. I slowly meander my way after them. As I leave the room I run into Katelyn.

"Hey!" She said "could I sit with you at lunch?"

"Sure!" I smiled back at her. Together we walked to lunch.

Katelyn was pretty quiet all throughout lunch. She was clearly shy. She didn't eat anything either. Maybe she was just nervous. About halfway through lunch I noticed a small, scabby cut on her hand in the shape of a heart.

"What's that?" I asked her. A rather dumb question, it was obviously a cut. But I wanted to know what it was from. It was perfectly formed. I was of course familiar with self harm, I had experimented with it a little for a few years. It does help in a strange sort of way.

"I got it from one of those; you know, the paper hole-punch things? Yeah, I got my hand stuck in one and it cut perfectly. I don't know, it's kind of cool." She stuttered out. Clearly I was making her uncomfortable. I left it alone after that.

On our way back to class Katelyn asked me what kind of music I listened to. I told her that I listened to emo and some 80's and 90's rock. She told me that she listened to what one might call screamo, but it's just another type of rock. We went our separate ways and headed back to class.

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