The final chapter part 2

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Ok so I almost started crying while writing this chapter. The new book will come out September since I need to get a few chapters written before I can start publishing them.

I woke up in a strange room with a woman with a white coat on. She turned around to be shocked that I have woken up and starring at her. She immediately walked out of the room and a boy with dark blue hair came in. He looked around my age.

"Y/n your awake!" A blue haired boy said to me. I didn't say anything I had no clue who this guy was. "Are you ok?"

"Who are you?" I asked. The guy looked heart broken and he just hugged me and started crying. Apparently my name is Y/n and this blue haired guy knows me. "How long have I been out?"

"A couple weeks to be exact everyone in class has came to visit you even All might." He whispered to me. He then typed something into his phone. "I'm tenya Iida and I'm your boyfriend but you most likely don't remember.". He was right I don't remember anything about my life.

"Oh Y/n your awake well you have a case of amnesia but It should go away after a week of two." A doctor said to me. "Other than that your clear to go back to school but no training. You might start to remember bits and pieces and you will have bad headaches but that will be normal." I nodded and got changed and went to a weird building with a school next to it.

I walked inside and a bunch of people I didn't recognize were hugging me.

"One quick question who are you people?" I asked them. Everyone just looked at me with wide expressions on there faces. Everyone then introduced themselves. "I'm sorry if I'm good friends with any of you I just simply can't remember anything except a rock hitting my head."

A boy with green hair then came down and gave me a big hug. When he turned around at everyone they all gave him so sad looks. He turned back to me.

"Y/n what is going on?" The green haired boy asked.

"Midoriya she doesn't remember any of us even you." A girl with black hair told him. He gave a shocked expression.

"I think we should help her remember who she is." A boy with blonde hair told them. They all smiled and ran off somewhere except for the blonde. He just kept looking at me with his cold red eyes.

I just kept looking around a big kitchen. Is this someone's house or some place that we all stay. I'm gonna guess these are dorms. I'm gonna say the dorms are in that hallway over there and the seating area is over there.

Not too long after everyone came down with photos. I apparently live with the green haired boy since there's a photo of me and him cooking and doing laundry. The boy that told me I was his girlfriend showed me a photo of us looking happy as all could be.

"We should probably show you to your dorm." A boy with white and red hair said. I know they told me there names but it was a lot to handle at once. I followed them up and I saw my dorm.

"Wow did you guys do this for me or did I do this?" I asked. I think I did it but I always was thought to ask. Wait when was I thought to do that. I don't remember anyone telling me anything. I maybe slowly getting my memory back.

"Y/n are you trying to remember anything?" A guy with a mask and a lot of arms asked. That broke me out of my trance.

"Only one thing I remember that I was thought as a child to ask questions but I can't remember anything else." I told them.

Iida's Flashback

Y/n was knocked out or something by that villain. He threw the rock away and looked around for a bit. But I heard the cops coming and he walked out.

Once he was far enough away I ran over to Y/n she was limp but still breathing. Her breathing was shallow and blood seemed to be coming through her mouth.

The hospital was right around the corner i could get there fast. I took off my shirt and put pressure on her wounds. She wasn't going to wake up anytime soon she most likely had brain damage or something worse.

I knew the city fairly well so it didn't take long for me to get there. Once I got there the hospital staff dropped everything and took her in. I started running after them.

"I'm sorry sir you can't go in if you leave your phone number we can call you when your aloud to see her." A doctor told me. I was in the waiting room until I got a text.

Mr aizawa to 20 others

Iida is everything alright it's close to 11 and you still haven't returned. I stopped by to try and get you but police were there.

Me to 20 others

We got attacked by a villain. Y/n most likely has brain damage I ran her over to the hospital I haven't heard anything but I'm heading back now.

I walked back alone and I was crying. I shouldn't have let her gone I was stupid. She could be dead for all I know. Why is this just like the same story like my brother except with the only person I have loved that's not my family.

I got back and all I did was go to my room and cried for the rest of the night up into morning. Everyone could tell in the morning that I got no sleep.

"Should we say something or will that make him worse?" Midoriya asked I'm guessing to Uaraka. I just stayed quiet and just looked down and my water. I messaged my mom telling her I'm coming over.

"Attention you most likely know because of the news (I know this is serious but I spelled news like nose) and Iida's text last night of what happened. We have a new rule. Your not aloud out alone unless if your visiting family." Aizawa told us. I got up and walked out the door.

It was about two weeks after the incident I never got a call yet. Until now I was running to the hospital I didn't care about mr. Aizawa's rule right now. I just needed Y/n to be okay.

I got there and her hair was shorter and her body seemed lifeless. I took her hand and I think it moved a bit

End of flashback and back to Y/n

It was kinda lonely in my room. I saw my phone next to me and it lit up. A text from Iida I think.

Sanic ❤️

If you feel lonely I can come over if you want.


How did you know? Your welcome to come over if you want.

I decided to see our history of what we message each other. He was sweet and apparently I like to joke around.

I finally found a picture of us. Well it wasn't us instead it was a male with blue hair and a guy who looked like he could use some chapstick.

"Hey I came." Iida told me. I smiled at him and scooted over to make room for him. "I love you Y/n."

"I love you too?"

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